Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P444 CEEFAX 1 444 Tue 08 Jul 19:32/42    HEATHROW T4  Updated at 1928 0105 Seattle BA082Y Expected 23451335 Dubai BA126 Delayed 1820 Eikdh BA708 Landed 17551820 Tmkye BA441 Landed 1 1835 Aoscow BA873 Landed 182 1830 Mosco- BA813 Cancelled 1910 Basie-Cam BA129 Canceled 1 1920 Masta KL129 Eandet 10041920 Malta KB126 Expected 19071950 Partsn BA328 Landed 19271910 Bmston BA131 Expected 19222010 Amsterdam BA131 Expected 20222p25 Amsterdam BA433 Expected 20 2025 Athterdam BA483 Expayed 2p25 Rot Yoda BA178 Expected 2 2155 Nae s-Cd BA128 Canccled 2105 Paris-ChG BA329 a l Further details 0181 759 4321 1/4 LGW N TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P444 CEEFAX 1 444 Tue 08 Jul 19:45/11    HEATHROW T4  Updated at 1948 2225 Paris-or BA309 2225 New York BA0 4 Tamp i Hong K o 0500 Dost n BA212 0515 Hong Mon BA142 0515 Calcutta BA142 Delhi il 0 Melbkuk Bangkok a Further details 0181 759 4321 2/4 LGW N TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P444 CEEFAX 1 444 Tue 08 Jul 19:27/41    HEATHROW T4  Updated at 1933 0550 Jakarta BA034 Expected 0525 Kuala Lumpur 0555 Perth BA012 Expected 0549 Singapore 0610 New York BA112 Delayed 0620 Johannesburg BA056 0620 Jeddah BA132 0620 Toronto CP086 0625 Bombay BA138 0625 Washington BA216 0630 Philadelphia BA114 0635 Abu Dhabi BA124 Bahrain Further details 0181 759 4321 3/4 LGW N TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P444 CEEFAX 1 444 Tue 08 Jul 19:30/08    HEATHROW T4  Updated at 1933 0650 Muscat BA122 Dubai 0650 Kuwait BA156 0700 New York BA174 0720 Chicago BA298 0720 Rotterdam KL481 0725 Detroit BA096 0725 Phiiadelph BA218 0730 Emndhovan KL761 07 N 1 4 o Further details 0181 759 4321 4/4 LGW N TV/Radio Weather Main Menu