Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:40:12          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— If you have information about the crimes on these pages, or information about any crimes, call 0800 555 111. Remember, you won't be asked your name and you may receive a cash reward, also paid anonymously. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————1/9—— Local menu 330 Life line 348 YOUR LOCAL HOLIDAY OFFERS P220 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:43:20          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— In the last two weeks there have been several burglaries in the Sprowston/ Costessey area. Mostly garden equipment has been stolen, including: A Bolens ride-on lawn mower, 2 Hayter mowers, a John Deere lawn tractor, 3 Victor 460 Professional mowers. Have you been offered any of the above cheaply? ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————2/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 WHAT'S ON AT THE THEATRE? p632 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:41:16          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— On 24th-25th October a sheet metal business was unlawfully entered and aluminum and stainless steel sheeting was stolen, as well as five Propane gas cylinders. A white Ford transit van was used to transport the goods from the property but was later found abandoned in the East Dereham area. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————3/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 WIN A TV TRIP ON OUR NEWS QUIZ p328 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:41:02          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— At 11pm on Friday 4th November a robbery occurred at the North End Off Licence, Loke road. Two assistants were threatened with a knife, but the man fled when the panic alarm was activated. He was white, 5ft 10in, early 30's with short dark hair and wore a blue denim look peak hat, jeans, white trainers and a brown flying jacket. —————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 ————4/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 HOLIDAY SNAPS COMPETITION p293 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:41:53          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— If you have information about the crimes on these pages, or information about any crimes, call 0800 555 111. Remember, you won't be asked your name and you may receive a cash reward, also paid anonymously. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————5/9—— Local menu 330 Life line 348 YOUR LOCAL HOLIDAY OFFERS P220 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:44:45          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— Between 1pm and 4pm on Wednesday December 5 a house in Wellington Street, Norwich, was entererd via a kitchen window. Items stolen included: an IBM laptop computer, Hitachi TV, Goldstar TV, lady's Gucci watch, man's Tissot rock watch and an Amiga computer. Have you been offered anything like them in suspicious circumstances? ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————6/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 PARENT AND CHILD FEATURES p483 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:42:15          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— Between 4.15 and 4.30pm on Sunday December 11 a woman of 81 had her handbag snatched in Tennyson Avenue, King's Lynn, near to The Walks. She suffered a head injury and a broken arm in the attack. Description: White man, 5ft 7in, 23-26, jet black short hair, thick eyebrows, dark jacket and jeans. —————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 ————7/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 WHAT'S ON TELEVISION NOW p120 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:42:31          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— On the weekend of November 26-28 there was a burglary at Gaywood Park High School, King's Lynn. The special needs department was entered and two A3000 Archimedes stolen. They were worth £750 each. Have you been offered any similar computers since then? —————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 ————8/9—— Local index 330 Emergency nos 348 WHAT'S ON TELEVISION NOW p120 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Dec15 22:40:21          ———————— FOR THE ANGLIA REGION ———————— In 1993 Crimestoppers information led to the arrest of 2,300 people (a 30% increase on 1992), cleared up over 7,000 offences and recovered property worth £3 million. In the first five months of this year there were 1,200 arrests - equivalent to 57 a week. Successes included five murder arrests and the recovery of nearly £2 million in property. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————9/9—— Local weather 183 Life line 348 KNOW YOUR NEWS AND WIN £50 p328 Life line Local news Poll TV Plus