This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 19th November 1994
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 175
Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 19 Nov 15:01/47 1/4 NEWSROUND FROM CEEFAX VOTE ON THE BIG ISSUES OF THE DAY! TELEPOLL is your chance to give your verdict on an issue or a news story of the day. See the next page for this weekend's subject to vote on and then call one of two numbers to register your vote. Calls cost a maximum of 10p each and the lines will be open from 5pm on Friday to 9am on Monday. Dial carefully and ask permission to use the phone. Poll result appears on NEWSPLUS every night. WHAT'S THIS WEEK'S TELEPOLL VOTE? >> Contacts PP Info PP Repts Top Sport
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 19 Nov 15:02/27 2/4 NEWSROUND FROM CEEFAX UNDER 16s AND THE NATIONAL LOTTERY... Britain's first National Lottery jackpot draw will finally take place this weekend. The organisers predict that some 45 million £1 tickets will have been sold by the deadline. However, only people aged 16 and over can buy them. Do you think the lottery is only a bit of fun and under 16s should be allowed to buy a lottery ticket? Or, do you agree with the age ban and think the draw encourages gambling? WHAT DO YOU THINK? - VOTE NOW >>> Contacts PP Info PP Repts Top Sport
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 19 Nov 15:01/27 3/4 NEWSROUND FROM CEEFAX UNDER 16s AND THE NATIONAL LOTTERY... We want you to tell us whether you think young people under 16 should be allowed to play the National Lottery.. CALL 0891 33 99 01 TO VOTE YES CALL 0891 33 99 02 TO VOTE NO Lines close at 9am on Monday. Don't forget to ask permission from whoever pays the phone bill before calling. Last week's TELEPOLL result >> Calls cost a maximum of 10p Contacts PP Info PP Repts Top Sport
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 19 Nov 15:02/27 4/4 NEWSROUND FROM CEEFAX RESULT OF LAST WEEKEND'S TELEPOLL Last weekend we wanted you to tell us whether you think there is too much sport on TV. You voted: YES 64% NO 36% Just over 1,900 of you phoned in and the majority of you think there is too much sport on television. Call the BACKCHAT line 081-576 9470 and your comments could be screened on BACKCHAT (p171) from 5.30pm-7am Contacts PP Info PP Repts Top Sport