This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 6th December 2000
Service: Teletext
Region: London
Original Broadcast Channel: ITV1-CARLTON
Current Page: 146
Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:12:17——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LIFE My mother remarried when I was in my early teens. I always got on well with my stepdad and he's been a great @ falher figure to me as my own dad dYed when I was young. But I'm emotionally scarred by my stepbrother because he used to force meto sleep wijh him. @ Even now at 23 years of bge, I still have horrible flashbacks about him making me do things to him. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— @ by Susbn Quilliam @ @ DEBT STRJSS? WE CAN HELP SEE p354 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:12:0 V——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LJFE The real problem for me though Ys@thal because of what my stepbrojher did, I can't have a sexual relationship wijh my boyfriend, Dave. We've only ever managed to make love once in the six months we'ue been together — I cried all the way through.He's really understanding about it and says that he'Ml waij until I'm ready. But how Uidm I eveU be ready Uhen $he mjmories are so painful? ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— by Susan Quilliam EEDHELPWITHYOURGARDENSEERecipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:14:11@U——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LJFE SUSAN SAYS: What happened to you was truly awful. Recent NSPCC research suggests 3% of abuse is carried out by relatives like brothers or stepbrothers. Women who've suffered this way have vivid memorYes of what happened, and trouble later in life when they start arelationship. So I really sympbthise @ with what you've gone through. ——————————————————————————————————3/5——a by Susan Quilliam MARJORIE ORR'S PREDICTIONS p148/149 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:13:10V————————————————————————————————@————@ MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LIFE SUSAN SAYS: But you don't have to carry on suffering for the rest of your life becausj of something that happened when you were a teenager. @ It is possible to put the past away if you get expert help. A hrained bnd JxperSenced BounselLo" will help you talk through the memories— at your own speed — in such a way that you can start to handle them and even learn to live with them. ——————————————————————————————————4/5——a @ @ @b¼ Susbn Qujlliam @ NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING p390 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays