Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:12:17    ——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LIFE My mother remarried when I was in my early teens. I always got on well with my stepdad and he's been a great @ falher figure to me as my own dad dYed when I was young. But I'm emotionally scarred by my stepbrother because he used to force me to sleep wijh him. @ Even now at 23 years of bge, I still have horrible flashbacks about him making me do things to him. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— @ by Susbn Quilliam @ @ DEBT STRJSS? WE CAN HELP SEE p354 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:12:0  V  ——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LJFE The real problem for me though Ys@thal because of what my stepbrojher did, I can't have a sexual relationship wijh my boyfriend, Dave. We've only ever managed to make love once in the six months we'ue been together — I cried all the way through. He's really understanding about it and says that he'Ml waij until I'm ready. But how Uidm I eveU be ready Uhen $he mjmories are so painful? ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— by Susan Quilliam EEDHELPWITHYOURGARDENSEE Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:14:11 @  U ——————————————————————————————————————— MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LJFE SUSAN SAYS: What happened to you was truly awful. Recent NSPCC research suggests 3% of abuse is carried out by relatives like brothers or stepbrothers. Women who've suffered this way have vivid memorYes of what happened, and trouble later in life when they start a relationship. So I really sympbthise @ with what you've gone through. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— a by Susan Quilliam MARJORIE ORR'S PREDICTIONS p148/149 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays
P146 Teletext 146 Dec06 22:13:10   V ————————————————————————————————@————@ MY STEPBROTHER'S RUINED MY LIFE SUSAN SAYS: But you don't have to carry on suffering for the rest of your life becausj of something that happened when you were a teenager. @ It is possible to put the past away if you get expert help. A hrained bnd JxperSenced BounselLo" will help you talk through the memories — at your own speed — in such a way that you can start to handle them and even learn to live with them. ——————————————————————————————————4/5——a @ @ @b¼ Susbn Qujlliam @ NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING p390 Recipe Capr-Gemi Canc-Sagi Holidays