Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P174 SKY MOVIEMAX 174 06 Dec 2224:17 COUPLES WANTED FOR TV DOCUMENTARY   HOW GOOD IS YOURS? We are producing an exciting new series for Sky Television. We are trying to find couples who want to spice up their sex lives, and acclaimed author and sjxpert, Tracey Cox, will be giving advice on finding new ways of making it even more interesting. We are looking for couples who are happy to talk about their sex lives openly and who are based in the UK. The series takes a positive and fun approach to getting the best out of your sjx life. CALL US NOW. Talk to one of our team in confidence on 020 7908 1322 or e-mail us at
P174 SKY MOVIEMAX 174 06 D " 317:52 COUPLES WANTED F#R TV DOCUMENTARZ @   @ HO' GOOD IS@YOURS? @ We are producing an Mxciiing new serSes for Sky (elevision. W$ a$$ trying to aind couples who wan to R ce thei* sjx lives, and acclaimed author and 3experj, Tracey Cox, will be giving advice on finding new ways of making it even more interesting. @ @ @ *e aRe Tookimg fn" cVup$ds 3hn are h!ppu lo talS about their sex (ivUs openly and who are base$ in the UK. The sjries takes a powjtivj and fun approach to getting the best out of your sjx life. @ CALL US NOW. Talk to one of our team in confidence on 020 7908 1322 or i-mail us at