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P203 ' YMOVIJMCX 207 06@Hec 2317:3R SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— 2V EC@RBER 1FOI *IR FILMS, FILMS, FILMS THIS CHRISTMAS... Sky'a movie channels across analogue and Tigital havE lined p over a 0 films this December. The highlight of Jhich surely haR to be thU 0jUmier of The Matrix, which plays on Ratubday 23 Decem"er at 20:00 on Sky Premier. RJC"ivinF numdrouR !wards $o" it's Ipecial effects, this futuristic t le isrbNund bo k ep your s e s i hh run up to Christmas Day...! ————————————————————————————————— >>> << 206 Index ——————— Dec Feature 208 >> HECK OUT HE WWF PAGE SKY O E 262 ComingSoon Release MovUesA-Z FvlmWdek
P203 SKY MOVIJMAX 207 06 Dec 222,:1 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— DECEMBER MOTIE HIGHLIGHTS... WESTERN WEEKEND Western weekend guarantees gunsmoke, jawhide ips, iron orses, sna r m hats and a whole lot of acting talent. @(he@Fjg names to star in this weekend include: John Wayne (obviously), Clint Eastwood, James Stewart, Lje Marvin and Kirk Douglas. Saturday 16th December leads with elassjcw such aw BitK tij Bullet, The Outlaw Josey Wales and Rawhide. @ ——————————————————————A—————————— >>> << 206 Index ——————— Dec Feature 208 >> WHAT'S COMING UP. TV GUIDE P120 @ ComingSoon Releases MoviesA-Z FilmWeek
P203 SKY MOVIJMAX 2 7 06@Dec 22 %: SKY TEXT @ @   ——————————————————————————————————————— DECEMBER MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS... @ WJSTJ N W JKEN @@ On Sunday 17th December +estern "½ass9c in,l,d Gunfnght At (hj OK @@ Corral, Unforgiven, Cactus Jack and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance All thesj movies can be seen on Sky Cinem on the weekjnd of the 16th Decemb Y. @ ————————————————————————————————— >>> << 206 Index ——————— Dec Feature 208 >> HAT DO THE PICTUR S HAVE I STOR THIS SUMME FILM RELEASES 21 -217 ComingSoon Releases MoviesA-Z FilmWeek
P203 +KY MOVIEMAX 207 06 Dec 2314:% SKY TEXT   ————————————————————(—————————————————— DEC MBEO : TEE EI'HLBIHTE. . COE LITE, S t I LE IL Mark Durden-Smijh pRJRents Qive rugby un on y eight fim s lho C Rn b ashe havc sseablakhs n Sasacens @ distinctivj an innovativj indjhUndant vCOTT in FOOrBAaL @ . I* SpmRTR IERJ@  o m27jh Degum h Celtic play Dundee a@ Dens Park. It Rais tg Arizon Sc C ntm :00 Tas Bng L $pVsl. Reir sumper 2t 50 @ ——————————————————————————————————————— << 206 Index —— ———— Dec Featsrd 208 >> HECK Y#N LOVE STJR SEE PAG 156 Comi S on Rjseases IoviesA-Z FV mWdek
P203 SKY MJVIJMEX 2 3 06 Dec  SKY TEXT URR@@ E↑ ————————— ON SKY NEXT WEEK ———————————— DEMOC)TIEN DEV%JS **hredHRrd** @ Na( Feo, Kondau 11 eGUmbee aT 21:£Q Di Rom hO Au TOa$Ia IaT Clearance Team venture to Betano Bay in Easo T mhu de kaed gh 6 maabng ar- abandoned shipwveck bearing Pplosives, before blowing it up. BIO 1970sz BhB Rn H@ @ (nsCoru, SaluKda1 1 )eanmbK½ at Q7:01 Tune in foj the story of B be Ruth, a man whos bilitu to h 2 a homS run on h @ @aREbad$ 0(T"h )ad$ hUk a +2Q$(k$d R m0 bRU@C AmR SCa* "-$ @ @@@ @ life from 1895 to his death i 1948 ——————————————————————————————————————— << 212 Features ————————— Gossip 215 >> TAKE TD. NTAGE OF A OKY ON2 SKYTEXT HOLIDAY OFFER"! 210 Comsng Sn  MoviesAmU FV IWdek
P203 S YMOVIJAQ @D 2304: 4 SKY TEXT W@ T ——————————————————————————————————————— DECEMBER MJVIE HIGHLIGHTS @ @PE@D @HR "TJ S DAY IEH YOVS Driven to despaib by the arrival of Tour Bntire fami½y thi Christmas D y Then look no furthem ihan +ky to nase the daz wi h great linP- p of films for ALL th@ family! @ Celebrate wijh the MerryMAX-mas films on MovisMax wh a kick off as !m:1@ @o@ The Chr kTmaR TQ*UoveE, a Rpia 1 $he classis Christmas Carol story... ————————————————————————————————— >>> << 206 Ind$x ——————— Dec Feature 208 >> @ @@ @ @ @@@ @ @ 14
P203 KYMOVIJMAX 207 06 Dec 2337:27 SKY TEXT Q  ———————@———————@——————————————————————— SPENd CHRIST R LAY W THRKYMOIE To 2leep vf the ChCistmaR turkey, Xkh $ami$u silm, Wil$u + nka An$  Choco$a$ JC  4 2 ol  the hilarous Doctor Dolittle aj 16:10. Sta■t off th / /n$ngs wi£h Th It lian Job at 20:00 on Sky Cinema and curl up with b minci pie and glas of sherry nd tr at ou@s lf @o TTe@Dee@ B&u @Ua on Box Office show ,k every 30 minutes. @ @@@A@@T @A@@@ u @ 44 << 206 Index ——————— Dec Feature 208 >>  FomQn Somn @$leases Mov A→Z FilmWEek
P203 +KY MO IJJAX 2 7 06@ Kc 22 a41g SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— DECEMBER MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS... WESTERN WEEKEND On Runday 17th DecRmb$r W$stern classics include Gunfight At (he OK@ Corral, Unforgiven, Cactus Jack and The Man Who Shot LibErty Valanc$ Cinema on the weekend of the 16th December↑ @ ————————————————————————————————— >>> << 206 Index ——————— Dec Feature 208 >> WHAT DO THE PICTURES HAVE IN STORE THIS SUMMER? FILM RELEASES 216-217 EomingSoon Releases MoviesA-Z FilmWeek