Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:

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P280 JRk←2MOVIJMAX R4R106 $ecC2+ *35 1/2 FRUe Rkh %A! PX6m$ amd R J#m—hs d@ 1 HUnJ "Untal! @ Subject R  FrUe SUUmens C35i, free @  line re tal for 3 months ,■?' "£££o and b5Ue S-S mUsd gas -   this fantastic dUal is   worth over £250 amd we'De  S offering it to you FR E!   Singleaoint's air-timj ■h"-wfX@ - @(hcrahU@a @ 1 @ @@@ @  T →F→ ■W*%*%*% by asl B'n das @ W Sky viewer to gel lhe full W benjfUj of WAP seevUcUs   wiZh thes exclusive Sky  offer and a gLUat deal on rtime con line-rental and calls.  Here's what youglj get >>>
P280 SKY MOVIEMAX 280 06 Dec 2227:23 1/2 Free Sky WAP Phone and 3 months free line rental! Subject   Free Siemens C35i, free  line rental for 3 months  and free SMS messages -   this fantastic deal is   worth over £250 and we're   offering it to you FREE!   (When you sign up to   Singlepoint's air-time   contract for 12 months).     Now it's easy for every   Sky viewer to get the full   benefit of WAP services   with this exclusive Sky  offer and a great deal on rtime con line-rental and calls.  Here's what you'll get >>>
P280 SKY MOVIEMAX 280 06 Dec 2225:12  2/2 Free Sky WAP Phonj and 3 months free line rental!  ■ FREE Siemens C35i WAP handset ■ FREE accessories - personal hands-free kit, in-car charger and carry casj ■ FREE 3 months line rental ■ FREE 30 days of Sky SMS messages to keep you up-to-date with your favourite football team's results ■ FREE connection to the Vodafone network ■ FREE delivery direct to your home Offer subject to status and 12 month air-time contract.  irtime contract. Terms & More >>>
P280 SKY MOV←JMCX 280 06a ec 234u:34  2/2 Free Sky WAP Phone and 3 months free linj rental!  = @ @ @ @@@ @ @ ■ FREE Siemens C35i WAP handset ■ FREE accessories - personal hands-free kit, in-car charger and carry case @ ■ FREE 3 months line rental ■ FREE 30 daus of Sky SMS messaOes to keep you up-to-date with your favourite $oojball team's results ■ FREE connection to the VodafonU network ■ FREE delivery direct to your home = @ Offer subject to status and 12 : = @ momth air→timj BontrCct. @  irtime contract. Terms & @ More >>>