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P161 CEEFAX 161 Thu 31 Jan 21:59/39   PUBLIC SECTOR PAY  RISES AWARDED 1/2 The Government has said it will provide an extra £250 million for NHS pay awards and an extra £70 million to meet armed forces increases. The recommendations of the public pay review bodies will be fully implemented Nursing staff and health visitors are to receive increases of between 9.5% and 11%, and doctors and dentists will have pay rises of 9.5% to 12.7%. Rises for professions allied to medicinj are between 10% and 14.2%. At least 7% of the health pay rises will take effect by April this year. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Politics GulfIndex Newswatch
P161 CEEFAX 161 Thu 31 Jan 21:56/04   PUBLIC SECTOR PAY  RISES AWARDED 2/2 The Government has announced pay rises for public servants. Members of the armed forces are to get increases of between 11.2% and 18%, from April. Teachers are to be paid a staged increase of 9.5% this year, Education Secretary Kenneth Clarke has said. Head teachers will receive a 12.75% rise, also phased in. People receiving "top salaries" are also to get increases of between 9.5% and 11%, with at least 7% from the beginning of April this year. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Politics GulfIndex Newswatch