Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P635 CEEFAX 635 Thu 31 Jan 21:59/05   THURSDAY  1635-2400 1635 Five Aside with the day's sport 1920 Desperate to Act Advice for aspiring actors - part four 1935 Emil and the Detectives Two-part dramatised story by Erich Kastner 2005 In the News with Sybil Ruscoe 2030 Formula Five Sue Nelson with more spaced-out science and software 2100 The Golden Apples of the Sun 2130 Eastern Beat The bhangra plus a phone-in 2308-2400 World Service Global Concerns 2323 Good Books; 2338 The World Today; 2353 Words of Faith Sports news on the hour except 0900, 1000, 2000 and 2100 630 Radio Index 636 BBC For Europe Europe Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio