Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P633 CEEFAX 633 Thu 7 Feb 21:56/48   THURSDAY  1450-0225 1450 Gustav Ljonhardt Directs Francisco Valls, Bach 1625 Debussy and Busoni 1730 Mainly for Pleasure 1900 News 1905 Third Ear talks to horn player Barry Tuckwell 1930 BBC Scottish SO Stravinsky, Schoeck, Mendelssohn 2130 Dean Swift and Mrs Pilkington Letitia Pilkington's memoirs 2200 Music in Our Time Brass on the Run 2300 The Honky-Tonk Man on blues pianist Henry Brown 2330 News 2335-0035 Composers of the Week Mozart 0100-0225 Night School FM 630 Radio 632 Radio 2 101 Gulf Radio 4 Radio GulfIndex Radio 2