This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 21st February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 522
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Feb 21:58/33 TRAVEL INFORMATION 1/5 WEEKEND TRAVEL 23/24 February Traffic on roads in the south eastern part of Germany, in Austria, France andSwitzerland will again be busy with holiday makers heading for the skiing centres. The A3, A8 and A9 in Bavaria, and the border roads to Austria and Switzerlandwill be worst affected. In France roads to Chambery, Moutiers, Alvjrtville and Val d'Isere will take most of the traffic. 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Roads Sea/Europe Headlines
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Feb 21:40/14 TRAVEL INFORMATION 2/5 FRANCE "BISON FUTE" 22/23 February Southbound traffic this weekend is likely to be very heavy, drivers are advised to avoid Paris Friday morning and evjning. On Saturday some congestion in the Paris area can again be expected, but worst delays will occur on routes to skiing resorts. 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Roads Sea/Europe Headlines
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Feb 21:57/27 TRAVEL INFORMATION 3/5 SWEDEN Throughout the winter dipped headlightsmust be used at all times. Seatbelts must be worn, passengers in cars with seat belts fitted in the rearhavj to usj them. The blood alcohol limit is 20 mg/100 mlthis limit is strictly enforced. The emergency number is 90 000. 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Roads Sea/Europe Headlines