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P616 CEEFAX 616 Thu 21 Feb 21:54/41    1/4 VENISON CASSEROLE (Serves 4) 900g/2lb stewing venison, in chunks 4 tbsp seasoned flour 3 tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 225/8oz button mushrooms 200ml/8 fl oz fresh apple juice bouquet garni of celery, thyme and parsley 1 tbsp English mustard 1 tbsp redcurrant or quince juice Preheat oven to 180C/340F/Gas 4. Roll vension in flour. Heat oil in a large casserole and fry venison until well browned. Add onions and stir for 1 min. 602 BBC2 630 Radio 660 Rjgions Next Page TV Plus GulfIndex BBC2
P616 CEEFAX 616 Thu 21 Feb 21:53/06    2/4 VENISON CASSEROLE - continued Add bouquet garni and apple juice. Cover tightly and bake for 1-1½ hours. When the meat is very tender, add the mushrooms and cook for a further five minutes. Stir in the mustard and the jelly, check seasoning and serve hot. Farmed vension is sold in large supermarkets for about £3 a pound for cheaper cuts up to about £6 for steaks. Mail orders from: Pelham Venison Company, Herts. Tel: 0279 777348. The organic beef that came out well in the tasting is sold at Safeways.  Next Page TV Plus GulfIndex BBC2
P616 CEEFAX 616 Thu 21 Feb 21:45/41    3/4 TAP WATER Jill Goolden and Oz Clarke tasted 26 tap waters from around the country. Top four for taste are: Maidstone from mid-Kent; Norwich from Anglia; Chester from the Chester Waterwork Company; Whitley Bay from Northumbrian Water. For the best taste from your water, run the cold tap for about two minutes - until very cold - before drinking. Individual plumbing can have an adverse affect on water supplies, so if you think your supply is not as good as it should be, contact your local authority  Next Page TV Plus GulfIndex BBC2
P616 CEEFAX 616 Thu 21 Feb 21:43/47    4/4 FOOD POISONING Following an outbreak of food poisoning last week, the Chief Medical Officer has recommended that all beefburgers should be cooked thoroughly. The bug E Coli 157 is present in the gut of cattle and gets onto the meat in the slaughterhouse. Steaks pose no threat as the bug is killed by cooking the cut side of the meat. However, in minced steak the bug can be distributed throughout the meat and not necessarily killed if the middle is not throughly cooked. 601 BBC1 613 Films 660 Rjgions Next Page TV Plus GulfIndex BBC2