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P627 CEEFAX 627 Thu 21 Feb 21:59/42   TOMORROW'S WORLD  1/2 This week's edition chewed over the fat in food - which in future we may be able to eat without fear. Health and safety was also paramount in a report showing a new way of clearing away the deadly drums that wash up on Britain's beaches. And there was a demonstration of a highly-focused ultrasound which may help sufferers from some liver tumours. Contact numbers for items in each week's show are on the Tomorrow's World Information Line 0836 406070. Calls cost 33p per minute cheap rate, 44p per minute at other times.  Next Page TV Extra Education TV/Radio
P627 CEEFAX 627 Thu 21 Feb 21:53/47   TOMORROW'S WORLD  2/2 Kate Bellingham got on her hobby horse to practise polo in this week's edition In the same energetic vein, there was a studio spacewalk - with a look at the latest idea soon to be tested on the Juno mission to space station Mir. For travellers here on earth, there was a report on the motoring rescue service that always knows exactly where you are Contact numbers for items in each week's show are on the Tomorrow's World Information Line 0836 406070. Calls cost 33p per minute cheap rate, 44p per minute at other times.  Next Page TV Extra Education TV/Radio