Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 21 Feb 21:57/00    BBC1  BBC2
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 21 Feb 21:55/13 2/21  SCREENFLASH BBC1 2135 OPEN ALL HOURS Arkwright gets security conscious, using it to his romantic advantage 
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 21 Feb 21:45/25 7/21  SCREENFLASH BBC1 2205 QUESTION TIME 
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 21 Feb 21:41/37  SCREENFLASH BBC2 2130 40 MINUTES Despite the 1985 Act of Parliament illegalising female circumcision in Britain, it appears that the practice still goes on
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 21 Feb 21:43/48  SCREENFLASH BBC2 2210 BICYCLE New series A tribute to man's most civilised form of transport 