This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 28th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 135
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P135 CEEFAX 135 Thu 28 Feb 22:2:/34 GREAT VICTORY 1/2 The commander of the British forces has described the Gulf campaign as "one of the greatest victories in our lives - possibly in history". Lt-Gen Peter de la Billiere told a briefing in Riyadh that he was proud tocommand over 45,000 British servicemen.Asked about Iraq's remaining military machine, he said Saddam Hussein had no more than 27 divisions and 200 aircraftleft with little offensive capability. He said the troops would come home as soon as possible, but the equipment could take up to a year to shift. 101Headlines 130Gulf War Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P135 CEEFAX 135 Thu 28 Feb 22:2:/49 ARMY "SECOND TO NONE" 2/2 The commander of the British forces in the Gulf said the logistic support givjn to the British division of 27,000 was second to none. It had given the armoured units the battlefield flexibility to take on a wide range of tasks. Sir Peter de la Billiere said that the 7th Armoured Brigade and the 4th Armoured Brigade were currently locatednear the Basra road in southern Iraq. They were screening departing Iraqis and making sure that Iraqi armour did not escape northwards. 101Headlines 130Gulf War Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel