This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 28th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 144
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P144 CEEFAX 144 Thu 28 Feb 22:19/14 WORLD RESPONSE TO IRAQ 1/4 The United States had moved rapidly after the Iraqi invasion to mobilise an international response to Saddam. As part of President Bush's aim of a post-Cold War "new world order", the US lobbied hard to achieve unanimity incondemnation of Iraq around the globe. Most crucial was to have Iraq's fellow Arab states inside the coalition the USwas now assembling against Iraq. With more Security Council resolutions being passed against Iraq without Soviet or Chinese veto, the coalition decided against negotiations with Iraq.101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P144 CEEFAX 144 Thu 28 Feb 22:26/19 WORLD RESPONSE TO IRAQ 2/4 Foremost in the coalition against Iraq were the US and Britain, urging a firm stand against further aggression. To ensure Egypt and Syria took part in the force being amassed on Saudi soil, the US pursued elaborate negotiation. Egyptian military debts to the US worthovjr $7bn were written off, and long- term aid renegotiated. Syria's President Assad held direct talks with President Bush, breaking a period of diplomatic quarantine for theother Baathist leader in the region. 101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P144 CEEFAX 144 Thu 28 Feb 22:13/44 WORLD RESPONSE TO IRAQ 3/4 Two countries' attitudes were vital to the effectiveness of the blockade of Iraq, and a possible war against it. Islamic Iran's stance was crucial, given Saddam's appeal to Muslims to rally against the "infidel" invaders. Despite Saddam's movj in August to remove himself from a two-front war by abandoning claims to Iranian territory and making peace, Iran remained neutralJordan, economically dependent on Iraq and with a substantial Palestinian populace sympathetic to Iraq, observed the UN embargo, but sought negotiations101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P144 CEEFAX 144 Thu 28 Feb 22:13/29 WORLD RESPONSE TO IRAQ 4/4 The US-led decision not to negotiate with Iraq led to polarised opinion in countries whose nationals were hostagesDespite official disapproval, former leaders and statesmen visited Baghdad to ask for the release of foreigners. Former leaders from West Germany, Britain and Japan met President Saddam Hussein, winning freedom for some. PLO leader Yasser Arafat, who had been vigorously pursuing efforts to resolve the crisis since August, was among those who finally persuaded Saddam to releasj all hostages on 6 December. 101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews