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P147 CEEFAX 147 Thu 28 Feb 22:28/31   WAR ON THE  GROUND 1/5 As the air war eroded Iraq's fighting capacity, Iraqi leaders initiated diplomatic moves to end the war. Howevjr, its 15 February offer to withdraw from Kuwait was rejected by the United States and Britain as carrying unacceptable conditions. In the week of 18 February, Iraqi foreign minister Tareq Aziz held repeated meetings with Soviet leaders, to reach a peace acceptable to the US. Howevjr, President Bush said the final plan fell short of his terms, and issued his own ultimatum on 22 February 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P147 CEEFAX 147 Thu 28 Feb 22:16/18   WAR ON THE  GROUND 2/5 Mr Bush gave Saddam 24 hours to leave Kuwait on 21 February - effectively ignoring the Soviet peace proposals. No sign of a withdrawal was received and at dawn on 24 February, the land offensive was launched. A huge assault by US, British, French, Egyptian and other Arab troops made such rapid progress, that Allied Commander General Schwarzkopf broke his own news blackout to report the success By the end of the first day, over 3,000 Iraqi prisoners were held, and a large area of Kuwait and southern Iraq taken. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P147 CEEFAX 147 Thu 28 Feb 22:14/23   WAR ON THE  GROUND 3/5 The second day of the war had widened its 125 mile front, with French and US troops making deep incursions into Iraq US commanders reported great success, claiming 270 Iraqi tanks destroyed and a US division nearing the Euphrates River, some 100 miles inside Iraq. With remarkably light Allied casualties reported, a growing number of Iraqi prisoners and much territory captured, the Allies' severest blow was a Scud missile hitting US troops in Dhahran. The missile struck a US barracks, killing 28 soldiers on 25 February. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P147 CEEFAX 147 Thu 28 Feb 22:15/43   WAR ON THE  GROUND 4/5 As Iraqi troop formations crumbled, President Saddam Hussein announced on Baghdad Radio a withdrawal from Kuwait. The 26 February anouncement, however, was again rejected by President Bush, who reacted with outrage to what he saw as Saddam's attempt to hide his rout. The war would continue unless Iraqi troops abandoned their armour, said Bush. Iraqi divisions retreating from Kuwait and southern Iraq found their route back to Iraq blocked by Allied troops, and were heavily bombed by air raids. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P147 CEEFAX 147 Thu 28 Feb 22:15/03   WAR ON THE  GROUND 5/5 With even his crack Republican Guard divisions suffering heavy losses in battle, Iraq agreed all UN resolutions, as sought by the US, on 27 February. With Iraq all but admitting defeat, the US now pressed its advantage, insisting Iraq agree new terms which effectively emasculated its military capability. On 27 February, President Bush said Allied progress was "very pleasing", with an estimated 60,000 Iraqi PoWs. As ceasefire terms were discussed at the UN, Saddam's army - once considered such a threat - had been defeated. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews