This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 28th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 627
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P627 CEEFAX 627 Thu 28 Feb 22:14/59 TOMORROW'S WORLD 1/2 Tonight's edition started with a look at fuzzy logic and how it is applied to consumer goods and industrial processesIt also took a peek at the world's first underwater marine garden, soon tobe opened at Kew Gardens. And an electronic pain killer using high frequency radio waves for use by dentists was featured. ■ Contact numbers for items in each week's show are on the Tomorrow's World Information Line 0836 406070. Calls cost 33p per minute cheap rate, 44p perminute at other times. 601 BBC1 611 BBC1 TV Choice
P627 CEEFAX 627 Thu 28 Feb 22:16/54 TOMORROW'S WORLD 2/2 Tonight's programme also featured a modular system for prison cells which can be stacked together. And there was a preview of some of the more unusual cars to be seen at the International Car Show at Geneva, followed by a trail for next week's Tomorrow's World special on the future of travel. Contact numbers for items in this week's show are on the Tomorrow's World Information Line 0836 406070. Calls cost 33p per minute cheap rate, 44p per minute at other times. 601 BBC1 630 Radio 660 Rjgions