This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 28th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 697
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P697 CEEFAX 697 Thu 28 Feb 22:29/52 1/3 PRODUCTION Producers, BBC English Department BBC World Service £15,636-£21,242 (staff) £17,981-£24,428 (contract) Plus £776 pa allowance Central LondonCloses 11.3.91 Rjf 7162/CXSenior Producers BBC English Department BBC World Service £18,904-£23,906 (staff) £21,740-£27,492 (contract) Plus £776 pa allowance Central LondonClosjs 11.3.91 Rjf 7163/CX Further details on 071-927 5799 BBC:an equal opportunities employer A-Z Index
P697 CEEFAX 697 Thu 28 Feb 22:25/24 2/3 PRODUCTION Editor The Archers BBC In The Midlands £19,242-£24,847 Plus £1,326 pa allowance Pebble MillClosjs 11.3.91 Ref 7127/CXSAFETY Safety Co-ordinator BBC South & West £14,168-£16,993 (1 year contract) BristolClosjs 13.3.91 Ref 7175/CX Further details on 071-927 5799 BBC:an equal opportunities employer More BBC Jobs on 696A-Z Index
P697 CEEFAX 697 Thu 28 Feb 22:24/11 3/3 TEACHERS Nursery/Reception Class Teacher Ascension Island School £9,000-£12,000 (2-year contract) Plus allowances Ascension IslandClosjs 15.3.91 Ref 7164/CXEnglish/Drama Teacher Ascension Island School £9,000-£12,000 (2-year contract) Plus allowances Ascension IslandCloses 15.3.91 Rjf 7165/CX Further details on 071-927 5799 BBC:an equal opportunities employer More BBC Jobs on 696A-Z Index