This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 7th March 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 141
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P141 CEEFAX 141 Thu 7 Mar 21:51/19 THE ROCHDALE CASE 1/5 The Rochdale ritual child abuse affair began in November 1989 when teachers became worried about a retarded six- year-old boy. The boy, from a deprived social background, told them of a ghost familywhich was part of his family life. When social workers interviewed him in February 1990 he told them about the ghosts and drinks with special powers. The boy, his sister and two brothers were taken into care in April, since which time the parents have essentiallyhad no access to their children. 160Politics 180World News Next News News Plus Politics Headlines
P141 CEEFAX 141 Thu 7 Mar 21:51/44 THE ROCHDALE CASE 2/5 By June 1990, social workers and police believed they were dealing with a ring of satanists and child abusers. On 14 June, they went to the homes of four other families who lived on the same estate at 0730 in a coordinated exercisj and took away 12 more childrenLater, after an anonymous tip-off, the three children of a sixth family were interviewed. Some of the children were released but 14 of them remained in care and were prevented from having any contact with their parents. 160Politics 180World News Next News News Plus Politics Headlines
P141 CEEFAX 141 Thu 7 Mar 21:41/10 THE ROCHDALE CASE 3/5 Some of the children in the case told social workers stories of witchcraft, ghosts and satanic rites. One boy spoke of a family of ghosts in his house and of flying after being given special toffee by one of them. Another spoke of how the spirits killedand ate sheep and of how he himself hadhad to kill two babies by hitting them.One story was about adults wearing silver clothing and jumping off the roof, another of babies falling from a loft and another of a ghost who looked like pop star Jason Donovan. 160Politics 180World News Next News News Plus Politics Headlines
P141 CEEFAX 141 Thu 7 Mar 21:52/46 THE ROCHDALE CASE 4/5 The police investigated the stories about satanism but failed to find any evidence and dropped the matter. The children remained in care, however,and were not even allowed Christmas or birthday cards from their parents. In May 1990, an injunction granted to the local authority by the High Court stopped the media reporting the case. The terms of the injunction were so wide that the families were prevented from talking to those such as voluntarygroups, councillors or clergymen who might have helped them. 160Politics 180World News Next News News Plus Politics Headlines
P141 CEEFAX 141 Thu 7 Mar 21:56/03 THE ROCHDALE CASE 5/5 The hearing which ended today lasted for 47 days and heard all its evidence in secret. Mr Justice Douglas Brown ruled that 10 of the children should be reunited withtheir parents immediately. Four others should not yet go home, however, but the cases would be reviewed later this year. Three further children had been allowedto go home after an earlier hearing. Sixteen of the 17 remain wards of court. 101Headlines 102Newswatch 160Politics 180World News Next News News Plus Politics Headlines