This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 7th March 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 650
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 7 Mar 21:55/32 BBC1 BBC2
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 7 Mar 21:54/42 SCREENFLASH BBC1 2130 OPEN ALL HOURS Can Arkwright entice the lovely Nurse Gladys Emmanuel in his home?
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 7 Mar 21:5:/24 SCREENFLASH BBC1 2200 QUESTION TIME
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 7 Mar 21:45/18 SCREENFLASH BBC2 2130 40 MINUTES on Louisiana's Golden Gatorettes - the teenage dancers who dance at high-school football matches
P650 CEEFAX 650 Thu 7 Mar 21:48/11 SCREENFLASH BBC2 2210 BICYCLE Are mountain bikes a passing fad?