This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 21st March 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 177
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P177 CEEFAX 177 Thu 21 Mar 21:53/17X 1/2 Welsh Secretary David Hunt has said poll tax payers in Wales will receive in full the £140 cut in poll tax bills.This meant that average Welsh poll tax bill issued in April would be reduced by £95, Mr Hunt noted. He echoed Environment Secretary MichaelHeseltine's view that local government tiers were likely to be streamlined after further consultation. Labour spokesman Barry Jones accused MrHunt of leaving crucial questions unanswered about the new local tax and ignoring the particular needs of Wales.101Headlines 150Latest Next News Parl'ment Politics WorldNews
P177 CEEFAX 177 Thu 21 Mar 21:00/22 2/2 The new local tax will be introduced in Scotland at the same time as England, allowing for local distinctions, Scottish Secretary Ian Lang has said. Scottish tertiary colleges would also be removed from local authority controlfrom April 1993, saving £200m, he addedScotland would also be moved towards single-tier local authorities but on a shorter timescale than England, he saidLabour's Donald Dewar demanded an apology for Scotland which, he noted, had been used as a test ground for the poll tax for a year longer than England102Newswatch 198Newsreel Next News Parl'ment Politics WorldNews