This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 30th September 1990
Service: ORACLE
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: Channel 4
Current Page: 456
Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P456 ORACLE 456 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:22 4-Tel C4 FOLLOW-UP CHANNEL 4 FOLLOW-UP Channel 4 provides follow-up to a number of its programmes, mostly in the shape of leaflets, factsheets, study guides and booklets. Coming up is a list of the back-up for current Channel 4 programmes. When you send off for your copy, mark the envelope CLEARLY with the programmetitle, and include an A4-sized stamped and self addressed envelope (unless otherwise stated use a 26p stamp). 1/4 Video Box C4 Today Sports What's New
P456 ORACLE 456 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:18 4-Tel C4 FOLLOW-UP GOING LOCO There is an illustrated booklet accompanying this new season of programmes about railways. For a copy send a large SAE and £3.00 to PO Box 4000 London W3 6XJ or Glasgow G12 9JQ Make cheques/POs payable to Channel 4 SEX TALK If you have worries about sex and would like to know how to obtain help you can phone a Dial-and-Listen service on 071 971 0800 RIGHT TO REPLY Details on 457 ANYTHING GOES Full details on 455 CHECK OUT Preview and backup 458 2/4 Video Box C4 Today Sports What's New
P456 ORACLE 456 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:144-Tel C4 FOLLOW-UP VINTAGE Illustrated booklet on the history of wine. £1.75 (Please make cheques/POs payable to Channel 4) STORYWHEEL - HANDS UP! Free booklet about sign language and how you can learn to communicate using it. There is also a video featuring the full length Hands Up! cartoon. £9.99 (Please make cheques payable to Intelfax Ltd) For any of the above send your large SAE, naming the programme, to: PO Box 4000 London W3 6XJ or Glasgow G12 9JQ 3/4 Video Box C4 Today Sports What's New
P456 ORACLE 456 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:11 4-Tel C4 FOLLOW-UP A DECADE OF DESTRUCTION Illustrated booklet linked to this major series chronicling the events in the Amazon jungle over the past ten years. As well as illustrations and a history of the Amazon rainforest the booklet contains an extensive resource and reading list. For a copy send a large sae and £2.00 to: PO Box 4000, London W3 6XJ or Glasgow G12 9JQ Make cheques/POs payable to Channel 4 4/4 Video Box C4 Today Sports What's New