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P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:22 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Havant Friends of the Earth Havant FOE are now holding their meetings on the first Tuesday of the month, at the Havant Arts Centre (Old Town Hall) at 8.00pm. For further information write to Havant FOE at 3 Windrush Gardens, Waterlooville, PO7 7AQ. If you'd like to join national Friends or the Earth or find out more, contact Friends of the Earth at 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ. Telephone 081 200 0200 (24 hours)  2/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:17  4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Sweet September Day Enjoy the peace and quiet of Britain's wetlands with the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust at one of their five centres around the country. All senior citizens visiting the five centres below during September will receive a FREE cup of tea and scone. Telephone Washington 091 4165454 for booking Slimbridge 0453 690333 details: Martin Mere 0704 895181 Arundel 0903 883355 Peakirk 0733 252271  3/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:24 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Walk for the Rainforests with WWF Every year vast areas of rainforest - nature's richest treasure house - are being destroyed. You can help save the rainforests with the World Wide Fund for Nature. Over 300 sponsored walks will be held nationwide on Sunday, October 7 and the targjt is to raise £1 million. This is your chance to show how strongly you feel about rainforest conservation... More details next  4/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:12 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  ...WWF Rainforest Walk (contd.) 300 walks will be organized by local WWF groups and everyone is welcome. All walkers will receive a free badge and certificate plus all sorts of other goodies for adults, children and school/youth groups who raise larger sums of money for the appeal. For sponsor forms and details, write to WWF Walk for the Rainforests, Panda House, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR. Or call the WALK HOTLINE on 04868 25545  5/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:12 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  RSPCA: Better Late Than Never! It's not too late to show your concern for animals. Although the RSPCA's sponsored marathon ends tomorrow, you can still make a donation. So far, £40,000 has been raised by the four intrepid RSPCA officers who will reach Lands End today on the last leg of their gruelling journey. Remember as little as £4.00 innoculates a stray animal and just £12.50 will savj a seal. To donate money go into any NatWest Bank or call 0272 244751.  6/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:41 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Trees For Survival In Africa and South America the destruction of trees has resulted in desertification, starvation, climatic changes and depletion of wildlife. Trees For Survival planted 20,000 trees in Ethiopia in the first year of its existence and aims to raise more funds for tree-planting in the developing world. If youWd like to help, send a donation to Dennis G Hull, Founder, Trees For Survival, 7 Abbotsfield Crescent, Tavistock, Devon  7/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:14 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD → Save the Yanomami Indians The Yanomami have lived for over 10,000 years in the Brazilian rainforest. Now illicit gold-mining is poisoning their rivers with mercury. The rainforest is becoming a malarial swampland and disease is rife. International pressure is vital to save the Yanomami. You can help by coming to Survival International's weekly vigil from midday-8pm EVERY THURSDAY at Brazilian Embassy, 32 Green Street, London W1 (near Marble Arch).  8/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:02 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Searching for Newts The hunt is on for breeding sites of the Great Crested Newt in a bid to protect this rare species in the Carlisle area. The Carlisle Countryside Group has joined forces with the Nature Conservancy Council to launch a Great Crested Newt Survey which is being run until 1991. If you can help out, contact: Mr Raymond Sharkey, 1 Belah Road, Carlisle CA3 9RE. Tel Carlisle 512280  9/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:12 4-Tel      NOTICEBOARD  Friends of the Lake District If you care about the Lake District, why not become one of its Friends? This Charity represents thj CPRE in Cumbria and helps protect its natural beauty. By joining the Society you can help secure a better future for the Lake District. You'll also receive two newsletters and two magazines annually. Details from Mr J M Houston, No 3 Yard 77, Highgate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4ED. Tel 0539 720788. Please quote reference Teletext.  10/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New
P498 ORACLE 498 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:24 4-Tjl      NOTICEBOARD  Friends of the Earth One of the UK's leading environmental pressure groups, FOE has for 20 years successfully campaigned to stop the destruction of our natural world. FOE's role is to blow the whistle on those who destroy the environment and put pressure on people who have the power to protect it. To join, donate or for information contact Friends of the Earth at 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ. Telephone 081 200 0200 (24 hours)  11/15 Noticeboard C4 Today Adverts What's New