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P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:22 by Simon Hardeman  1/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP W DAILY GREEN ON WHITE  THE GOVERNMENT'S GREEN SALVO - its long awaited Environment White Paper - this week tried to define and explain the Government's environmental policy. To do this, it restated much existing policy, with a less-than-liberal sprinkling of new commitments. Environment Secretary Chris Patten said it covered "the street corner to the stratosphere". Critics called it a damp squib. more > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 SELLING YOUR HOME? SPECIAL OFFER 2WKS FOR THE PRICE OF 1! see 685 (C4) Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:12 by Simon Hardeman  2/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP  DAILY WHITE PAPER DATA...1  GREENHOUSE WARMING will be targeted by pressing the EC to introduce appliance efficiency labelling and by setting minimum efficiency standards. The Government will call for tougher EC laws on air pollution, ask people to be more energy efficient and peg CO2 emissions at current levels by 2005 (the rest of Europe wants it by 2000). The MOT test will change to encourage efficient engines. Drivers will be advised on fuel economy, while fuel and road tax may be changed to encourage efficiency. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:11 by Simon Hardeman  3/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP  DAILY WHITE PAPER DATA...2  AIR POLLUTION ADVICE will be improved and stubble burning banned. The Government will press for Euro-laws on ground-level ozone and international moves to curb acid rain. Drinking and bathing water will comply with Euro-laws by the mid 90s and fines for pollution offences increased. Targets will be set for the dumping of dangerous chemicals in the sea. Oil and chemical pollution will be combatted via new controls. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:00 by Simon Hardeman  4/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP W DAILY WHITE PAPER DATA...3  WASTE DISPOSAL will be controlled and clean technology research supported. Credits will be given to those who recycle rather than landfill. Local authorities will have to publish recycling details at new shopping developments, while consumers will be encouraged to support recycled products. Noise pollution will be controlled by laws on burglar and car alarms↑ Lead and cadmium discharges will be cut by 70% by 1995, while PCBs will be phased out by 1999. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:24 by Simon Hardeman  5/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP W DAILY WHITE PAPER DATA...4  NEW ROAD BUILDING for commuters will be discouraged, although more bypasses will be built. Cleaner, quieter, lorries will be encouraged. Discussion on preserving our heritage will be encouraged and cash will be available for cathedral preservation. Organic farming will be encouraged, farmers will be advise on how to market the countryside and new national parks will be considered. Once the White Paper is law, the Government will raise standards as new technology becomes available. more > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:52 by Simon Hardeman  6/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP  DAILY THE WORLD VERDICT  THE WHITE PAPER is printed on recycled paper. The shame is that much of what is printed is also recycled. It trumpets the belated as pioneering, the weak as tough and other people's ideas as its own. Mr Patten hasn't had the cabinet clout, the Prime Ministerial support or the time off from defending the poll tax to draft the paper the planet needs. Mrs Thatcher is not green. But she thinks we are if we're going to believe this is good enough. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:21 by Simon Hardeman  7/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP  DAILY CANCER CARS  CARS ARE PUMPING OUT CANCER, claim Friends of the Earth. They spent a day monitoring the air outside the Birmingham Motor Show to prove it. FoE are worried about benzene, which is emitted by car exhausts, and from fuel tanks, especially during refuelling. Benzene is, they say, a proven carcinogen (linked to leukaemia) and one of the chemicals which makes up the urban "ozone smog" in summer. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids
P567 ORACLE 567 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:01 by Simon Hardeman  8/8   AT   5pm WEEKEND ROUND-UP W DAILY CANCER CARS...2  NO SAFE LEVEL OF BENZENE can be recommended, says the World Health Organisation. As 80% of airborne benzene comes from vehicles, FoE want the Government to encourage the take-up of catalytic converters - which can reduce benzene emission by 90%. They also want better car inspection, EC controls on fuel systems to cut benzene emission and a UK programme to fit petrol pump controls in areas of high technology. more follows > Buzz Guide 560 Computers/Space 568 Computers Buzz Line Beat Box Kids