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P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:17  W  1/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME! We're on top of the water this week - or at least I sincerely hope we are... Rowing looks such an attractive sport - as I cross the Thames on my way to work I really envy the lone scullers slipping along through the autumn mist...then I remember those eight beefy young men sinking majestically beneath the waves in some boat race or other and it doesn't seem such fun. Still - to the Womens' Rowing Centre at Kew, to pick the brains of their coach Doug Parnham.... more follows > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 EDUCATION & TRAINING PAGE 679 (C4) Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:12  W  2/8   ROWING ↑  by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME! Rowing has an unfairly up-market image - partly because at junior level the sport tends to be dominated by independent schools like Eton and Hampton. But at club level, it's much more egalitarian and many clubs, like London's Thames Traders, aren't snooty at all. We picked the Women's Rowing Centre because you can sign up for a course there and pay for your lessons on a sessional basis. Most clubs though, will let you "have a go" before committing yourself to membership. more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:15  W  3/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME! What sort of kit do you need? Actually, you don't need any specialist clothes at all. Doug Parnham says you can wear anything that's comfortable and non-restrictive. A track suit would be ideal - because out on the river at this time of year you do need to be WARM. Wellies too, are fairly essential. This is because once the boat's in the water, you may be left holding on to it while the rest of the crew wander off to find the oars. No wellies equals very cold feet! more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2353:48    4/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME One thing is essential - you must be able to swim. Even gold medallists fall in now and again so the ability to swim at least 100m is a basic requirement! If you're lucky, you'll have your first lessons in a rowing tank. No chance of getting swept away! You're more likely to begin at the edge of the river or boating lake, with your coach hanging on firmly to the side of the boat. It'll be what oarsmen rather dismissively call a "tub" boat. Broad- beamed, ungainly, but nice and stable. more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:12    5/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME In your first lesson you'll learn some pretty basic stuff - like how to get in and out of the boat (more cold feet!). Then there's how to hold the oar, the basic rowing stroke and numbering off. Hang about, what is this, the Army? No, this is because later on, when you're a bit cleverer and are rowing in an eight, the coach will want to shout at you for not doing it right. They'll need to know which oar you are! There are more technicalities to learn too. Like, do you know your bow from your stroke side? more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:17  W  6/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME When you've learned the basics in a tub you'll progress to better boats which are progressively more and more likely to tip you if mishandled. Another reason for not letting you loose on the swish boats is the price: a single scull costs as much as £4,500 with the oars a further £500, while a good racing eight can cost £12-£14,000. So once you've decided rowing's for you, the clubs aren't particularly cheap. Doug Parnham says the average yearly subscription is around £90-£100. Much less for juniors. more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2350:28    7/8   ROWING by Serena Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME Rowing is a very competitive sport - there's very little purely recreational rowing. But there are lots of local regional regattas going on with every ability level catered for. You can go for the lonely glory of the single sculls, or double sculls or quads. Then there are coxless and coxed fours, pairs or the traditional eight. Plenty of scope! You do need to be quite fit for competitive rowing. Most of the oarsmen and women I know do fitness training as well as practising their strokes. more > c Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New
P619 ORACLE 619 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:14  W  8/8   ROWING by Serena  Hennessy HENLEY, HERE WE COME Doug Parnham's Women's Rowing Centre charges £2 a session (£1 if you're unemployed). The number is 081 878 9932 For clubs or classes in your area (or if you're a fella) contact the sport's ruling body: The Amateur Rowing Association 6 Lower Mall, Hammersmith, London W6 9DL Tel: 081 748 3632. Have fun, and don't fall in too often. more > r Diversions 610 Reviews 620 Reviews Your Money Adverts What's New