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P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:12  1/10         BOOK NEWS With a foreword by Felicity Kendal, the Family Poetry Book is published this week at £12.99 in aid of the Leukaemia Research Fund. Celebrities such as Jeffrey Archer and Ian McKellen sent publishers Michael Joseph their favourite ten poems and the top 100 were chosen for inclusion. Top was Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress". Out in paperback this week is Martin Amis' complex masterpiece London Fields about a woman collaborating in her own murder. Penguin £4.99. reviews > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 EDUCATION & TRAINING PAGE 679 (C4) Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:28  2/10         HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORIES by Salman Rushdie A clever and imaginative Lewis Carroll-style adventure in which young Haroun goes on a magical journey to regain for his father the storytelling gift that has deserted him. On his trip to the city of perpetual light, he meets a wealth of characters, including Water Genie Iff, and helps to save the Sea of Stories, which is being polluted by the Foe of Speech. Much of this lovely tale is clearly a plea for tolerance of others' views, arguing as it does for the coexistence of light and shadow, speech and silence Granta £12.99 (Juliet Elliston) more > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2355:11  3/10         SYMPOSIUM by Muriel Spark Economy is Spark's trademark: in subtle and sparing prosj she weaves the ironic tale of a group of well-heeled Londoners preparing for a dinner party. At the party is a new face, Margaret Damien, who has just married the son of an Australian multi-millionairess. As each guest anticipates the event, Margaret's strange past is revealed: wherever she goes, a curious death occurs. Waiting at table will be handsome young Luke, who has found a lucrative sideline selling guest lists to burglars....a wryly witty mystery. Constable £11.95 (Sandy Fordham) more > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2355:44  4/10         CUBAN BLUFF by Nigel West No-one who lived through the 1962 Cuban missile crisis will ever forget it. For a few days, the world really did feel on the brink of a holocaust. Nigel West's fictionalised account of the most dangerous stand-off ever between the two superpowers, is full of the technical detail of intelligence gathering at which he excels. So much tradecraft makes for slow reading and it has a feel of "look how many secrets I know" about it. But it builds to a gripping climax. Not as nail-biting as the real thing though! Secker & Warburg £13.99 (S.Hennessy) > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2356:10  5/10         LIVES OF THE SAINTS by Nino Ricci This is a sobering portrait of life in a backward Italian village just after World War II. Warped by isolation and poverty, the village reveals its prejudice and superstition when a young woman - whose husband has left to work in America - takes a lover. The people she has grown up with set out to destroy her - and her young son. Wj read the story through his immature eyes. It's well written and moving, leaving a lasting impression through its sheer atmosphere. Allison & Busby £12.99 (A.Cadell) > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:02  6/10         DANGEROUS CANDY by Raffaella Fletcher & Peter Mayle Raffaella Fletcher smoked her first joint at 12. By 13 she was washing down pills with vodka before school and at 19 was a heroin addict, sleeping with men in cars and alleys to earn enough for her next fix. Now 29 and "clean" for five years, she tells with a striking honesty of those destructive times and how, after many attempts, she conquered addiction. Told with a detachment that marks how far she now feels from the girl who cheated on caring parents and used public toilet water in making up fixes. Sinclair-Stevenson £10.95 J.Elliston > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:37  7/10         WALTER WINCHELL A Novel by Michael Herr Walter Winchell's newspaper column was read by millions across America. From his table at New York's Stork Club, where he fraternised with cronies like Hemingway and Damon Runyan, he dispensed his laconic brand of gossip - making and breaking reputations. Rude, arrogant but devastatingly witty, he went from rags to riches to rags again. Michael Herr's fictionalised account of Winchell's life reads, as it is meant to, like a film script - all dialogue and camera angles. An alienating style that deadens rather than enlivens. Chatto & Windus £12.99 (S.Fordham) > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:11  8/10         WINTER'S TALES - New Series Six An annual publication of short stories, this year's selection concentrates on the work of new, young writers. Although all very different in theme and style, the stories have a unity as well. All are set in the real world and deal with human relationships, but the main characters always hover on the edge of insanity, where the unexpected is likely to happen. There are amusing stories, tales of the supernatural and some which frighten. Altogether 15 rather strange, contemporary short works of fiction. Constable £12.95 (Frances Humphreys) > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:45  9/10         ALTAS OF THE SUPERNATURAL Derek and Julia Parker Bestselling authors of "Dreaming" and "The Future Now", the Parkers take their research a step further in this new book, analysing the phenomena of the supernatural. An efficient study of the history and experiences of the "unexplained", all manner of strange events, from ghosts to vampirism, are discussed with a no- nonsense attitude and, if there is a rational explanation, they give it. In the light of such amazing evidence it's difficult to remain sceptical. An intriguing, informative book. Mitchell Beazley £14.99 (F.Humphreys) > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New
P627 ORACLE 627 Sun30 Sep C4 2353:11  10/10         TONY BENN: CONFLICTS OF INTEREST DIARIES 1977-80 As a stalwart campaigner for open government, Tony Benn has served the cause brilliantly with this extensive and revealing set of political diaries. Fluent and friendly they are more telling on party machinations than many a textbook. This fourth volume covers the dying years of the Labour government, when Benn was Energy Secretary and Thatcherism was on the ascendancy. Interesting glimpses too of rising Labour stars like Bryan Gould and a telling look at the Lib/Lab Pact. Hutchinson £20 (Sandy Fordham) more > Reviews Index 620 Charts 628 Charts Beat Box Your Money What's New