Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:24/15  1/7    BBC Select is a night-time TV service for specialist audiences, designed for recording onto video, offering a mix of programmes. Some are scrambled and available only to subscribers, while others can be recorded by anyone. For further information about the subscription services contact: Accountancy Television 071-371 9191 Executive Business Club 061-432 5545 Legal Network Television 071-611 7430 TV Edits 081-576 3344  Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:21/01  2/7    BBC Select transmissions in week beginning night of Monday 22 Nov:  BBC1 MON 0300-0330 Nursing Update  Unscrambled TUE 0215-0315 EBC  Scrambled 0315-0345 Legal Network  Scrambled  WED 0215-0315 Accountancy TV Scrambled  cont...  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:21/41  3/7    BBC Select transmissions in week beginning night of Monday 22 Nov continued:  BBC1 WED 0315-0345 Legal Network Scrambled 0400-0430 TV Edits  Scrambled  0445-0515 Accountancy TV Unscrambled 0545-0600 Business Monthly  Unscrambled   THU 0300-0330 Nursing Update Unscrambled  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:15/24  4/7    RECORDING BBC SELECT PROGRAMMES The times given in television listings are the actual times and "nights" of transmission. As they are transmitted after midnight, you need to set your video for the following "day". IE: to record Monday's RCN Nursing Update, set your video for Tujsday 0300-0330.   Programmes that are "NOT scrambled" can be recorded by everyone. "Scrambled" programmes are available only on subscription.  Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:11/17  5/7    This week's programme titles for subscription services are: Tujsday EBC IT Basic Skills. Part 3 - Spreadsheets LNTV Civil Litigation Update Wednesday ATV Year end corporation tax  planning LNTV Drug Trafficking & Money  Laundering after the Criminal  Justice Act 1993 TV Edits French 2. Programme 4. Immigration All these programmes are scrambled.  BBC1 601 BBC2 602 BBC1 Choice 608 Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:14/21  6/7    ATV PROMO 5. WED 17 NOV. 0445-0515 In a special open access broadcast, Accountancy Television is showing a training module on Practice Management. It also includes a report on how subscribers are using Business Account in their training and updating programmes. Business Account from Accountancy Television is a weekly hour-long encrypted broadcast available on subscription. Each month subscribers receive substantial learning materials supporting the main training items.  Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 26 Nov 16:12/31  7/7    BUSINESS MONTHLY Wed/Thu 24/25 Nov 0545-0600 The Business Monthly is a major development in corporate communications. It gives companies the opportunity to transmit AGMs and company meetings to the homes of targeted audiences by means of BBC Television frequencies. For more inmformation please call BMH Communications on 071-434 2500.  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 Families BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films