Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P192 CEEFAX 192 Fri 3 Dec 16:22/17   1/3     DESPATCH  Bauga b Man n blp Ess ba hs shbl daads Tn Nohy Ron repands   A bloeEm ob a's ganao s ty Sinn Fein about the extent of the secret   He called a radio station to read a publen al sh Mr Reynolds resents being kept n He then phoned his family in their rooms in a Bogota hotel.   The pnaicd paaced fhe ahe IRA l Ia gh up alh gnd oh t e mosm wanted man in the world. R  ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,, Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P192 CEEFAX 192 Fri 3 Dec 16:21/17   2/2     DESPATCH  Drugs baron Pablo Escobar is shot talks on Northern Ireland.   Fifty men stormed the house; they were met with pistol fire. Aft r a short gun battle, s Escobar tried to escape ov r the rooftops, the drug lord and his bodyguard were killed. President Cesar Gaviria said that although the death of Escobar hs a victory it does not mean that drug trafficking has yet been ended. Hh n si Mad o hel oant ie sh do more to help in the fight.  Next News World Flash TV/Radio
P192 CEEFAX 192 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/40   3/3     DESPATCH  Drugs baron Pablo Escobar is shot dead. Timothy Ross reports:   Extra security measures are being taken in the main cities to prevent any possible reprisal by the survivors of the Medellin cartel. At least 50 road blocks are reported in Medellin. Police and army units search for guns and explosives that could be used to assassinate officials or for planting bombs in public places The Escobar family is also under heavy security in their hotel.  Next News World Flash TV/Radio