Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:13/27  1/9    BBC Select is a night-time TV service for specialist audiences, des gned for recording onto video, Some are scrambled and available only to subscribers, while others can be recorded by anyone. For further information about the subscription services contact: Accountancy Television 071-371 9191 Executive Business Club 061-432 5545 Legal Network Television 071-611 7430 TV Edits 081-576 3344  WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:20/11  2/9  *E4■,I5H= ■ ■   Bo Su ecmemban mhs eans d ys k bhg angna ugh fa b v  BBC1 MON 0200-03 0 VSTV f o r Unscrambled a p0a0330 duisi g updad mans iamaded TUE 0215-0315 EBC If y u h v an memories at Jones on 081-576 7706. cram le  BC1 01 3 3 C1 1 Chce 6 8 BC2 02 4 4 C2 2 Chce 6 6 WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/12  3/9    BBC Select transmissions in week beginning night of Monday 6 Dec continued:  BBC1  WED 0315-0345 Legal Network Scrambled 0400-0430 TV Edits  Scrambled   0445-0515 Accountancy TV Scrambled THU 0300-0330 Nursing Update  Unscrambled  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/56  4/9 EIH   RECORDING BBC SELECT PROGRAMMES The times given in television Was thgr a eal fear of invasion? As they are transmitted after follow if the germans invaded. video f r he fo low ng "da ". IE: se gec id Monday' RCh Nursing Update, set your video for Tu sday 0300-03 0.   Programmes that are "NOT scrambled" can be recorded by everyone. "Scrambled" programmps are avail ble only on s bscription.  Today BBC1 TV BBC2 TV 1 Choice
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/18  5/9  ,O5A=$■ ■   This week's programme titles for subscription services are Tuesday EB Patents and Thademark LNTV Statutory Interpretation in the light of Pepper v Hart Wednesday   ATV Budgeting for Business LN V B dg t S ecial TV Edits French 2. Programme 5. He lth All these programmes are scrambled.  BBC1 601 BBC2 602 BBC1 Choice 608 WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:17/41  6/9 EIH  RCN NURSING UPDATE - a continuing education project for nur es midwives and health visitors. Each Unit of Learning comprises a half-hour television programme and there a practical drill you had t Complet on of as ess ents p ovid s If you have any me ories ae al pnhanc d p in ssnoaal knoh Sagd. Three different assessments can be taken: Knowledge and Wo kplace, RCN Continuing Education are BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choics 608  ppC2 pp2 C4 pp4 ppC2 Chpppp ppp WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/22  7/9    ATV PROMO 3. WED 08 DEC. 0445-0515 In a special open access broadcast, Accountancy Television is showing a training module on VAT and the Single Market. It also includes a report on how subscribers are using Business Account in their training and updating programmes. Business Account from Accountancy Television is a weekly hour-long encrypted broadcast available on subscription. Each month subscribers receive substantial learning materials supporting the main training items.  WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:10/42  8/9    LEGAL NETWORK TELEVISION Tue/Wed - 7 Dec/8 Dec 0315-0345 There is another chance this week free from Legal Network Television. Tuesday 7 December Statutory Interpretation in the light of Pepper v Hart. Wednesday 8 December. Budget Special For ba k-up mat 1-611 7430  BBC1 601 C3 603 BBC1 Choice 608 BBC2 602 C4 604 BBC2 Choice 609 WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films
P690 CEEFAX 690 Fri 10 Dec 16:19/08     VOLUNTARY SECTOR TELEVISION At 0200, BBC1 on Mon 6 Dec VSTV transmits this month's programm . Polly Toynbee presents The Social Ag nda, a news magazine prog- mms for the voluntary sector. Topics include a visit to the Charities Annual Conference at the QEII Centre in London and a retrospective of the European Year of Older People and Solidarity Between the Generations.   It is followed by a short film from Cancerlink TV, a half-hour programme for people affected bs it  WorldWar2 BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Films