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P134 CEEFAX 134 Fri 17 Dec 16:38/02   1/2     POLITICS  CRIME BILL "ATTACK ON HUMAN RIGHTS" A new crime Bill has been criticised by lawyers, civil rights campaigners and penal reformers. Liberty condemned the Criminal the "most serious..assault on human rights" in the UK in recent years. The Law Society warned the Bills sacrificed "tried and tested" good practice in the criminal justice system for "political expediency". And Nacro said that new powers to lock up more young offenders would not reduce juvenile crime.  Next News Main News Home News CityHeads
P134 CEEFAX 134 Fri 17 Dec 16:27/17   2/2     POLITICS  POLICE REACT TO ANTI-CRIME MEASURES There has been a mixed reaction from the police to the Government's latest measures against crime. The Police Federation said the Criminal Justice Bill was "radical and positive" and should help to "re-balance the scales of justice". It welcomed the ending of the right to silence, the crackdown on bail bandits and the DNA database. But the Association of Chief Police Officers expressed concern that plans to reform police authorities could threaten police independence.  Next News Main News Home News CityHeads