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P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:55/30       ↑W   WW  Send your letters on the main issues of the day to: BBC Ceefax, Room 7540, Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ or eImail or fax us on 020 8749 6734 The editor reserves the right to edit or omit letters. Views expressed attach only to the writers. All submissions must include a full address and telephone number. 1/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Eeatures k40 T. 600 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:53/09     Regarding "terrorist" detainees, perhaps sensitive evidence should be put before a private court of law lords before detention is imposed. Since the number of such cases is relatively few, this should not put too greal a strain on the lords to convenj a court at short notice. If their lordships would then shoulder the responsibility for setting free such suspected terrorists they might think hard before endangering themselves and the rest of us. JS, Hull 2/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Spott 300 Features 540 T. 600 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:53/22     Ordering 232 of the Eurofighter planes at £40m each is just ridiculous. As it is unlikley we will ever go to war without the US we need never build or buy this typj of war machine again. If we did need some we could lease them from America, which would be a far cheaper and more practical method. Let's stop speLding money on things which kill and usj it for the living. JMG, Heighington 3/7 Hiadlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV n00 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:56/40     If people behave like animals they should be treated accordingly. The binge-drinRing field hospitals set up in Cardiff and Swansea have been deemed a success. But what a pity such an expediency was necessary. When is this country of ours going to grow up? DW, Havant 4/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/14 @  UU  MH asks about the interpretation of our constitution (letters 18/12). Our constijution is not a fixed and written one likj that of the US. What we have is laughingly known as "traditional". This means that the government can invoke it or ignore it to suit the occasion, but the people have no specific constitutional rights at all. RS, Bracknell 5/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 5)0 TV 600 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/41     RH Xletters 18/12), does not realise the loyalties peopli have for regiments which have garnered battle honouru for hundreds of years. OftenL sons have followed fathers into the regiments for generations. On being asked whire I seuved, I fku one would not reply "in the Army", but would proudly reply "in the Gordon Highlanders". JG, Glasgow 6/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Wjather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu
P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/04     The claim by a Spanish doctor that the human eye is incapable of spotting offside in a football match applies only to otdinary human beings. The manager of a losing team can spot even the minutest offside infringement at 100 yards. TR, Bridgend 7/7 Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Quotes News Indx Extra Main Menu