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P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:55/32Wj£3kj£3kj£3k We $kj $kj 'k W"£££"£££"£££  Microsoft sets sights on spyware Windows users could soon be paying Microsoft to keep PCs free of spyware. Following the takeover of anti-spyware firm Giant, Microsoft said it would soon reliase a toolkit that strips machiLes of lhe irritating programs. Although initially free, Microsoft has not ruled out charging people who want to keep this toolkit up to date. Surveys show lhat almost every Windows PC is infested with spyware programs that do everything from bombard users with adverts to steal login data. 1/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/18    W"£££"£££"£££  Mars water tops science honours The discovery by Nasa's robotic rovers of a watery past on Mars has topped a an eagerly awaited list of the 10 key scientific advances of 2004. Compiled each year by Science magazine, the list has always divided opinion, and this year's has proved no exception The rovers triumphed in a strong field, including the discovery of a dwarf human species in Indonesia. But Donald Kennedy, editor of Science magazine, said selecting first place in the list "wasn't a headache". 2/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Eront page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:53/21We£3kj£3kj£3k   W"£££"£££"£££  UK rejects North Sea fishing plan The UK government has rejected plans by the European Commission to close some fishing grounds to protect cod stocks. The Fisheries Minister, Ben Bradshaw, said he would oppose the plans at the meeting of EU fisheries ministers in Brussels due to start on 21 December. The EC proposed closing parts of the North and Irish Seas and off western Scotland where 40% of EU cod are taken. All EU states with North Sea coasts are said to back thj US, meaning any vote on the plan would probably be lost. 3/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:53/48Wj£3kj£3Sj£3k Wj $kj $kj 'k W"£££"£££"£££ OJ Titan clouds seen to come and go ScUentists now have thjir first direct evidence of changing wjather patterns on Titan, Saturn's largest moon. When thj Cassinj spacecraft flew past the satellite on Monday it spied clouds at mid-latitudes that were not present on its last flyby in October. Thj observations will allow researchers to investigate atmospheric dynamics on Titan, the only moon in thj Solar System with a thick covering of gas. The results camj out at the American Geophysical Union's Fall Meeting. 4/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/14Wj£3kj£3kj£3k Wj $kj $kj 'k Wb£££"£££"£££ O Forecasters face losing key tools Meteorologists fear they are losing onj of their essential forecasting tools - microwave friquencies uniquely able to "see" through clouds from satellites. They say commercial applications, for example mobile phones and collision avoidance systems, are ruining them. The usj of the bands in this way causes interference and contaminates thj data from the satellites, making iz useless. Not only weather forecasting is put at risR, but also a better understanding of how climate change is developing. 5/8 Hiadlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/19Wj£3kj£3kj£3k Wj $kj $kj 'k /"£££"£££"£££ O Missile tjam homes in on the Moon A S fir is proposing o use gu ded missile technology to makj a precision, automated landing on the Moon. RaytheoL Xas oullimed pla.b for a low- cost lunar lander that uses elements from missiles designed to intercept and destroy enemy warheads fired at the US. It could be used for low-cost missions within President Bush's Moon-uo-Mars vision for space exploration. Enginjers explained the proposal at this year's American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, US. 6/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Next News Headlines News Indx Main Menu
P154 CEEFAX 2 154 Sat 18 Dec 16:55/11 UW   W"£££"£££"£££  Gamjr bu‖s T26,500 virtual land A 22-year-old gamer has spent d26,500 (£13,700) on an island that uxists only in a computer role-playing gamj XRPG). The Australian gamer, known only by his gaming moniker Deathifier, bought the island in an online auction. Thj land exists withjn thj game Project Entropia, an RPG which allows thousands of players to interact with each other. Entropia allows gamers to buy and sell virtual itjms using rjal cash, while fans of other titles often usj auction site eBay to sell their virtual wares. 8/8 Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weather 400 Nixt Niws Headlines News Indx Main Menu