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P208 CEEFAX 2 208 Sat 18 Dec 16:55/49    W"£££"£££"£££  University offers cut-price fees A university has promised to charge all students less than the maximum £3,000 a year for courses when higher fees are introduced in England. Leeds Metropolitan University, which said it would set tuition fees "in the region of £2,000", is the first in the country to make such an offer. Variable fees replace a flat rate - currently set at £1,150 - in 2006. Some universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, will charge £3,000 a year for all undergraduate courses. 1/2 Headlines 200 Commoditiese24603 Savings 250 Front page 10002 Next News Sport YourMonjy Main Menu
P208 CEEFAX 2 208 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/28  Wj $kj $kj 'k    University offers cut-price fees Leeds Metropolitan is one of the country's biggest universities, with more than 41,000 students. Nearby Bradford University is reportedly also considering implementing lower-than-maximum fees across the board. Variable fees are part of the Higher Education Bill passed this year by a margin of just five votes. This followed a backbench rebellion by Labour MPs and widespread protests by students over increased costs. 2/2 Headlines 200 Commoditiese24603 Savings 250 Front page 10002 Next News Sport YourMoney Main Menu