Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P271 CEEFAX 2 271 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/22  Wj $kj $kj 'k    ERNST & YOUNG LLP DISCLAIMER 1/3 The figures on these pages have been carefully prepared but ari intended for genjral guidance only. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material on these pages can bj accepted by E&Y LLP. The US firm E&Y LLP is a limited liability partnership and a member of Ernst & Young International. It is authorised by the ICAEW to carry on investment business and is registered with the registered number 0C300001. Sport 300 News 101 Weather 400 Features 540 Your Monjy 200 Front page 100 TaxIndex TaxIndex Cars Main Menu
P271 CEEFAX 2 271 Sat 18 Dec 1v:5%/*9  Wj $kj $kj 'k W"£££"£££"£££  INCOME TAX RATES 2/3 Year Ending 5 April 2005 Rate Taxabli Income 10% £1-£2,p20 22% * £2,021-£31,400 40% £31,401 plus Every individual has his or her own set of personal allowances and is taxed on his or her own income. * Some savings income is taxable at 20% rather than 22%. Mortages 250 Annuities 260 Savings 250 Front page 100 TbxIndex TaxIndex Cars Main Menu
P271 CEEFAX 2 271 Sat 18 Dec 16:57/21Wj£3kj£3kj£3k   U  O INCOME TAX RATES - CONT 3/3 The first £2,020 of an individual's income after allowances and reliefs is taxable at 10%. T1x on savings income, ojher than dividends, is then limited to 20% Xrather than 22%) for incomj below £31,400 and 40% above that. IndidPduals whose earned income dNes not use up their full 10% rate band can reclaim the difference between the 10% rate and the 20% deducted on inve2tment income. Dividends will be taxjd at 10% for income bjlow the basic ratj limit of £31,400 and at 32.5% above that. Mortages 250 Annuities 260 Savings 250 Front page 100 TaxIndex TaxIndex Cars MaUn Menu