Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sat 18 Dec 16:53/02  —————————————————————————————      ——————————————————————— 1/2 ARE YOU A STEPFAMILY THAT WANTS HELP? BBC1 is making the major new documentary series Stepfamilies. With the aid of the UK's leading stepfamily expert, Suzie Hayman, the series will explore some of the common issues in stepfamilies, and offer practical tips to makj life better! * Have you struggled to find common ground with your partner's children? * Has it been difficult adjusting to life in a new home? * Do you wish for fewer arguments? BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Holiday Education TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/13  —————————————————————————————   U   ——————————————————————— 2/2 ARE YOU A STEPFAMILY THAT WANTS HELP? (cont) * Do you want your children to be happier in the stepfamily? This is the programme that can help! Wj would like to hear from any stepfamily member, regardless of whether you are in a new situation or have lived as a stepfamily for years. Anyonj who would like more information on the series should call Eliza, in confidence, on 0141 331 0450 or email BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Holiday Education TV Links