Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P654 CEEFAX 2 654 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/22       GET INVOLVED WITH DISABLED SEX SURVEY Sex is a right that most of us take for granted, reports Disability Now. But disabled people are often excluded from it, not just because of their impairments, but becausj of society's attitudes to disabled people. Simon Parritt has designed the first ever surve8 in the UK that asks disabled people for their expjriences and their views. He is a psychologist, counsellor and sexual therapist, and former director of thj sexual advice charity SPOD. 1/3 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Wjather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu
P654 CEEFAX 2 654 Sat 18 Dec 16:52/16       THE DISABLED SEX SURVEY The disabled are asked to takj part in the first ever UK survey of disabled people's sjxual experiences and views. The sex questionnaire is long and thorough and aims to get an overall picture of disabled people's sexual lives and their relationships. Armed with this evidence from the survey, researchers and othjr organisations will be able tg lgbby much more effectively for improved services. The survey can be completed online. >>> 2/3 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Rjad Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu
P654 CEEFAX 2 654 Sat 18 Dec 16:54/17       GET INVOLVED WITH THE NEW SEX SURVEY The first ever UK survey of diuabled people's sexual experiences and viewu disabled members. The form can be completed online and the survey form does not ask for your name and will be treated as confidential. People sending in their forms will also be added to a prize draw to win bottles of Champagne. ■ The form can be found by logging onto 3/3 CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Next Page EastTV Headlines Main Menu