Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:22:19  REVEAL YOUR W STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 You'll find that you will have the confidence to start planning for the future. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3245 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3257 TAURUS Apr 21-May 21 Build a solid and more structured base to your life — put yourself first now. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3246 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3256 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1 GOT A CAMERA PHONE? SEND US A WACKY PHOTO AND WJN £250!! SEE p682 Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:17:21  REVEAL YOUR W STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 GEMINI May 22-June 21 The future looks much more positive now that old ghosts from thj past have been laid to rest. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3247 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3259 CANCER June 22-July 23 Money matters comj to the fore. Don't be tempted to splurge or overindulge. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3248 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3260 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1 Had an accident? Need Advice? See ITV1 p386 Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:01:52  REVEAL YOUR W STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 LEO July 24-Aug 23 Your life is on a much firmer footing and you'll plan ahead with confidence. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3249 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3261 VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23 Give your desires and passions a free rein and allow spontaneity to lead you. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3250 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3262 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1     Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:11:18 Advertisement 4/8           Got a dilemma, need help? 5 Reasons why you should call me: Over 20 years experience I'm intuitive, highly skilled & professional I've had 1000's of satisfied clients I've studied all aspects of the ancient arts detailed weekly forecasts   FOLLOWED   BY Aquarius 101 Gemini 105 Libra 109 Pisces 102 Cancer 106 Scorpio 110 Aries 103 Leo 107 Sagittarius 111 Taurus 104 Virgo 108 Capricorn 112 Calls £1/min.May involve a long call K-Com 1 Watergate PH2 5TF pre-recorded tarot-based reading.Entertainment only Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:11:48  REVEAL YOUR  STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 LJBRA Sept 24-Oct 23 Don't be afraid to put your money where your mouth is when talking of your ambitions and hopes. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3251 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3263 SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22 You may be head hunted in your career, and you may meet your soul mate socially. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3252 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3264 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1 NEED A HELPING HAND? TRY TELETEXT LIFESTYLE ALERTS ITV1 p596 Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:11:51  REVEAL YOUR W STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23-Dec 22 Saturn keeps your feet on the ground when new options over love present themselves. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3253 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3265 CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 20 There's an underlying sensuality trying to escape its confines, so just let it. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3254 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3266 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1 S W I T C H M O R T G A G E You could save £££ See p614 Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:22:33  REVEAL YOUR W STARS NOW —— by Frank Pilkington SEE p654 AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19 Open up by talking on a more intimate level with lovers. Put love before work for once. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3255 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3267 PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20 Work and career matters seem to be firming up, leaving you in a positive frame of mind. For a fuller reading call 0906 651 3256 Summer lovestars: call 0906 651 3267 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times ——————————————————————————————————7/8—— Entertainment index 140 ITV1     Planet Events Cinema Holidays
P348 Teletext 348 Jul26 16:12:42 Advert Your stars>>> 8/8  * *  *             *       *  * * * *  OVER 20 YEAR'S EXPERIENCE  FOLLOWED  BY Aquarius 20 Gemini 24 Libra 28 Pisces 21 Cancer 25 Scorpio 29 Aries 22 Leo 26 Sagittarius 30 Taurus 23 Virgo 27 Capricorn 31 Calls £1/min.May involve a long call K-Com 1 Watergate PH2 5TF pre-recorded tarot-based reading.Entertainment only Planet Events Cinema Holidays