Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:17:08 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 1/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8900 HartHonit EX14 8914 KetterinA NN16 8901 AndrewBur B95 8915 SidegateM NR31 89p2 LMCFarnha GU35 8916 Stoneacre PE1 8903 Bowker BB5 8917 CityNiss PO22 8905 Lawtons LS24 8918 GlynHopki RM7 8906 WrighFord BD19 8919 TedJohnso S70 8907 BurgesFor BD21 8921 FredReesG SA61 8908 ColebroAu NE28 8922 RegSkullM SN6 8910 Farnell BD9 8923 Essjx Pk SS12 8911 BellsMoto NN1 8924 TatesKia BN41 8912 BellsMoto NN16 8925 Masters BR3 8913 KetterHon NN16 8926 Mangolets WA16  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:1y:34 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 2/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8928 Stoneacre WF7 8940 HowardsHo TA2 8929 Ryedale YO62 8941 B&Cmotors CB4 8930 Howards BS23 8942 Yellowsto CW5 8931 Howard BS23 8943 HowardsCi TA2 8932 Farnell LS20 8944 Motorite CW9 8933 LanceOwen TW2 8945 Heritage CM15 8934 MotorPlus DE21 8946 Trinity M LE10 8935 WyvernGrg GL15 8947 AmethySea GL51 8936 Car Shop M24 8948 AmethyHon GL51 8937 Omega M CR5 8949 HowardsPe TA2 8938 Brams WF17 8950 BellMotor MK41 8939 R&BMotors IP26 8951 HowardsPe BS23  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:24:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 3/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8952 NewtownM NP44 8967 MoorlandM AL7 8953 CountryCa AL4 8968 TristarCa RM13 8954 FiestaCho RG42 8969 Car Shop CF11 8955 Autozone BT51 8975 PeteSmith GL16 8956 CitroenLo TW8 8976 Phoenix PA1 8957 DerekLoan BT69 8977 Phoenix PA1 8959 RiversidC TW14 8978 PhoeniMaz PA1 8960 ThorpMoto SO15 8979 PhoenixMo PA1 8962 QuirksCar SS12 8980 AmthysHon GL2 8963 CliveSutt NW8 8981 GlynHopkn WD1 8965 HIL EN2 8982 WaltonAud KT12 8966 PortsTrad PO1 8983 ThealeMot RG7  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:22:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 4/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 8984 HamtonNis EX31 8998 Autopark E10 8985 SunwinPeu HX3 9000 GlynHopkn AL4 8986 BrownSkod HP10 9003 AmthysHon SN14 8987 Maranello AL2 9004 SunwinRen HX1 8988 SunwinPeu BD21 9005 SunwinFia BD20 8989 GlynHopkn IP1 9006 SunwinFia HX1 8990 SunwinRen BD1 9007 HidsonKia ME8 8991 GlynHopkn CM1 9008 HidsonCit ME8 8992 GlynHopkn IG9 9009 BladeSpec GL1 8993 HowardCit BS23 9013 GlynHopkn E10 8994 ClemMGRov BD19 9014 SunwinRen PR2 8996 GlynHopkn CM23 9015 SunwinRen FY4  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:27:40 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 5/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9016 BCCSuzuki BL2 9030 Autobase WS10 9017 RBIImport DE5 9031 StapleHil BS16 9018 Tim Fry GL52 9032 SPR Autos BH14 9019 Williamso TS25 9033 PSmithSpt DE65 9021 DrakesAut GU4 9034 Lancaster RG2 9022 TradPrice SL3 9035 Lancaster TN13 9023 GlynHopkn RM6 9036 Lancaster L3 9024 PremierSt ST4 9037 Lancaster M16 9025 Ian Dale DE21 9038 Warr Audi WA2 9027 Hargreave LA9 9039 Bently Es CO4 9028 SammyMell BT20 9040 Scotthall SO53 9029 SunwinNis BD21 9041 Scotthall LS7  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:22:17 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 6/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9042 Scotthall HA4 9054 Lancaster TN13 9043 Scotthall HA7 9055 Lancaster DA14 9044 Scotthall NW11 9056 Lancaster RG2 9045 Scotthall WD24 9057 Lexs Newc NE7 9046 Lancaster CM23 9058 Lancaster CO4 9047 Lancaster CM1 9059 Merc-Benz CM2 9048 Lancaster IP2 9060 Merc-Benz CO3 9049 Lancaster SS9 9061 Merc-Benz IP2 9050 Lancaster CO4 9062 Merc-Benz RM20 9051 ClovrLjaf SL5 9063 Merc-Benz SS9 9052 Appleyard BD1 9064 Scotthall WD6 9053 Lancaster RG2 9065 Scotthall SO53  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:17:30 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 7/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9066 Scotthall LS7 9078 Abridge CM20 9067 Scotthall HA4 9079 Abridge IG10 9068 Scotthall NW11 9080 Lancaster GU24 9069 Scotthall WD24 9081 Wilsons KT17 9070 Prsch Cen CB2 9082 Wilsons KT17 9071 Prsch Cen CO4 9083 Wilsons KT17 9072 Prsch Cen E15 9084 Wilsons KT17 9073 Continent CM24 9085 Wilsons KT17 9074 Smart Ips IP2 9086 Wilsons KT17 9075 Smart Lks RM20 9088 ColliersM B23 9076 Minories DH1 9089 Available DE74 9077 Minories SR5 9090 Jamjar DN5  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:12:47 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 8/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9097 CotsGlos GL2 9110 RyfldChry B62 9099 RybrookJa CH1 9111 Rylandhon CF11 9100 RybrookJa WA2 9113 Merc-Benz CA1 9101 RybrookVv CH1 9124 Smart NE3 91p2 RybrookVv L8 9125 Rylnd Hon CF23 9103 RybrookVv WA2 9132 Hylton GL51 9104 RycroftMe TS18 9133 Hylton GL2 9105 SmartStoc TS18 9134 Hylton WV10 9106 RydaleBMW CF10 9135 Hylton SY1 9107 RydaleBMW B1 9136 Hylton TF1 9108 RydaleBMW NP20 9138 St Peters WR5 9109 RydaleCar B68 9139 CityVikPe RG21  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:14:21 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 9/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9141 CityVikCi RG21 9153 Merc-Benz PL5 9142 CarHoldHo RG21 9154 PartExBas RG21 9143 GowrBasin RG21 9155 PartExNew RG14 9144 GowFordNe RG14 9156 PartExch PO19 9145 BroadPeu RH12 9157 ThepartHo RH12 9146 ConPeu GU27 9158 Lovekyn KT2 9147 CitMotPor PO19 9159 Lovekyn KT19 9148 CityHoVau PO19 9160 CollierRo B23 9149 SumCit PO19 9161 CollierMa B24 9150 Merc-Benz EX2 9162 CollierJa B78 9151 Merc-Benz YA1 9164 HartKidlt OX5 9152 Merc-Benz TR2 9165 CotsChelt GL51  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx
P784 Teletext 784 Jul26 16:15:14 WELCOME TO TELETEXT CARS 10/10 Dealer List Page To identify the dealer you are looking for, match the last 4 digits of their phone number with those listed below. Tel Name PCde Tel Name PCde 9166 CotswHrfd HR1 9167 Smart EX2  Dealers Dealers Loan Index Dealer Indx