Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P245 ORACLE 245 Sun12 May ANG 2003:34  1/5    Tuesdays at 7.30pm  May 7     A new magazine-style programme, aimed at helping individuals and organisations in the Anglia region. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PART OF THE STUDIO AUDIENCE? Recordings are usually on Monday evenings. Contact Ann Rudland at Anglia Television, Anglia House, Norwich NR1 3JG or ring (0603) 615151. more follows > Community 240 Community News 246 News Addresses Blackboard Adverts
P245 ORACLE 245 Sun12 May ANG 2012:53  2/5    Tuesdays at 7.30pm  May 7     LETTING OFF STEAM If something is making you mad - whether it's stray dogs, litter louts or your local 'bus service, you can let off steam by writing to HELP. The programme is making a number of short films giving your point of view. Contact Ann Rudland at Anglia Television, Anglia House, Norwich NR1 3JG or ring (0603) 615151. more follows > Community 240 Community News 246 News Addresses Blackboard Adverts
P245 ORACLE 245 Sun12 May ANG 2056:23  3/5    Tuesdays at 7.30pm  May 7     CONSUMER PROBLEMS If you've had shabby treatment from a shop or public utility (Telecom, Water, Gas, or Electricity) please contact us and we'll try to help. Write to Ann Rudland at Anglia Television, Anglia House, Norwich NR1 3JG or ring (0603) 615151. more follows > Community 240 Community News 246 News Addresses Blackboard Adverts
P245 ORACLE 245 Sun12 May ANG 2016:54  4/5    Tuesdays at 7.30pm  May 7     BRITISH SMILE WEEK May 13-19 Dental practices throughout the country are holding open days. Your opportunity to have a friendly chat about your fears or misapprehensions! CREDIT UNIONS To help groups wanting to start their own credit union, the Open University have published a pack (£7 incl p & p). The booklet covers starting and running a credit union, & legal requirements. more follows > Community 240 Community News 246 News Addresses Blackboard Adverts
P245 ORACLE 245 Sun12 May ANG 2003:33  5/5    Tuesdays at 7.30pm  May 7     The audio cassette includes members talking about their experiences, and useful contacts. Copies from: Dept of Community Education, Open Univ- ersity, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Association of British Credit Unions Ltd, Unit 307, Westminster Business Sq, 339 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY National Federation of Savings & Co-operative Credit Unions, 13 Fairfax Crescent, Bierley, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 6BP. more follows > Community 240 Community News 246