Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P391 ORACLE 391 Sun12 May ITV 2053:25 1/3 ACTIVITY AND BOATING HOLIDAYS                                                                          To advertise in this section Please phone Jane Anderson on: 071 434 9126 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm) IoW South Coast Abroad Holiday News
P391 ORACLE 391 Sun12 May ITV 2032:33 ACTIVITY & BOATING 2/3  HOLIDAY MOTORHOME  HIRE      FULLY INC.CHARGES     ALVECHURCH BOAT  CENTRES  W   021-445-2:09   CANAL BOAT HOLIDAYS Step off the earth for a while onto a Modern Luxury Canal Boat. Weekly or Short Breaks Available COLOUR BROCHURE FROM GAILEY MARINE, STAFFORD TEL: 0902 790612 USE HOLD IF REQUIRED more follows >> IoW South Coast Abroad Holiday News
P391 ORACLE 391 Sun12 May ITV 2022:54 ACTIVITY & BOATING 3/3 THE GLASTONBURY SCHOOL OF MOTORING  INTENSIVE DRIVING COURSES. MALE or FEMALE INSTRUCTOR.  PHONE (0458) 31147 after 8 p.m.  CANAL NARROW BOAT HOLILDAYS High quality family fleet 3-8 berth. Luxuriously equipped with all mod cons incl TV (most col), radio, stereo etc. & many fixed doubles MINI BREAKS AVAIL Last minute bkngs ACCESS/VISA welcome PHONE FOR COL.BROCHURE 0785 714692 TEDDESLEY BOAT CO., PENKRIDGE, STAFFORD, ST19 5RH USE HOLD IF REQUIRED more follows >> IoW South Coast Abroad Holiday News