This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 22nd December 1991
Service: ORACLE
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: ANGLIA
Current Page: 292
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P292 ORACLE 292 Sun22 Dec ANG 1914:46GENERAL VACANCIES 1/5 TO ADVERTISE ON THIS SECTION CALL AMANDA McDONALD ON 071-434 3121 Electronics Sales Financial A-Z Index
P292 ORACLE 292 Sun22 Dec ANG 1914:34 APPOINTMENT AIDS LTD 2/5 Specialists in Technical Professional& Executive Recruitment Tech. Author Comput. - J5573 Exp. Computer Tech.Author of mainly PC Based Software Manuals Etc.Hardware Exp Possible. Ease of use essential. AGE: 25/50 £14000/18000 P.A. Train.Systems Oper. - J5579 Operation & maintenance of Survey Equip at Sea,HNC/HND Elec.min., 8 wks at Sea 4 wks leave, Full Training.Graduate OK AGE: 20/38 £13500/14000 P.A. Sales & Mktg Admin. - J5519 Good Computer Keyboard & Typing Skills, Customer Records, Rep, Liaison, Filing Systems & Letter Writing.Gd personality AGE: 23/45 £8000/9000 P.A. ALSO VACANCIES-ALL OTHER CATEGORIES ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS 59 HARPUR STREET,BEDFORD MK40 2SR Tel: (0234) 345567/8 FAX: 345569 Electronics Sales Financial A-Z Index
P292 ORACLE 292 Sun22 Dec ANG 1917:41 3/5 THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE DECADE!! Have you ever wished you were in at the start of a new venture and envied those that were? Now is your chance. Entertainment Xpress is 10 weeks into it's launch and has received an unbelievable response. 16,600 people have joined already! * No stock handling * No investment * National Road Show * Full support CALL US TODAY 071 602 9888
P292 ORACLE 292 Sun22 Dec ANG 1917:49Top Quality CV's 4/5 Professionally Compiled from Visa Laser Printed Access Desk-Top Published Telephone Rob NOW on After Office Hours call 02407 71050 Electronics Sales Financial A-Z Index
P292 ORACLE 292 Sun22 Dec ANG 1917:57 5/5 MONEY? WE'RE TALKING TELEPHONE W NUMBERS! Could you offer information or entertainment on 0898 numbers? THE ANSWER IS YES! We can give you a 0898 number and monthly call revenue payments For full details call 0898 32 33 33 (Now!) (24 hours a day) AND PHONE US DIRECT OFFICE HOURS T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S UK LIMITED 0 7 2 7 8 6 9 9 9 9 Charges/min:36p cheap/48p other times