Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 8 May 21:12/00   1/3            ! "£    STARTUP with the OU STARTUP Your Own Business is a new course from the Open University that will help people turn ideas for new businesses into successful ventures. It is being launched with help from a £240,000 loan by Barclays Bank. Students will be allocated an adviser for up to nine months. When they have completed the course they will make a presentation of their businesc plan to a panel of experts. More
P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 8 May 21:23/35   2/3            ! "£    STARTUP with the OU STARTUP Your Own Business will make it possible for new entrepreneurs to start out more confidently, with proper training behind them. Potential students for this Open University course include people facing career change, early retirement or redundancy. The owners of existing small businesses who need further guidance will alsN find this course helpful. More
P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 8 May 21:28/48   3/3            ! "£    STARTUP with the OU The new Open University course, STARTUP Your Own Business, is to begin in January 1985. The course fee is £350 and study materials include workbooks, audio cassettes and video tapes. For further information write to: Associate Student Central Office, PO Box 76, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AN. More