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P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:21/20   1/7       OCN As Spring takes a hold, so Summer migrants are winging their way back from their winter quarters. Where and when they arrive depend on weather conditions in Europe and on wind direction. To track the flight path of migrant birds arriving in Britain, the Young Ornithologists' club, the junior section of the RSPB, has launched its annual survey which lasts until May 8. Viewers are asked to phNne-in (mumberc on the next page) with their sightings.  Phone-in numbers follow
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:18/22   2/7 N U     YOC migration phone-in Viewers who see a migrant such as a swallow, chiffchaff or wheatear should phone the Young Ornijhologists' Club on one of the following numbers on TUESDAY EVENINGS ONLY between 5.30pm and 7.30pm until May 8. Sandy (0767) 80551 Droitwich (0905) 770581 Exeter (0392) 32691 Newcastle (0632) 324148 Belfast (0232) 692547 Edinburgh (031) 556 5624/556 9042 Newtown (0686) 27219 Dublin 875759  Cuckoo sightings follow
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:15/11   3/7             WHITETHROAT   Sightings before ↑  May 3                       
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:12/10   4/7             SWIFT   Sightings before  May 3                   
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:19/47   5/7 N      YOC migration - latest news Numbers of summer migrants are building up at last! House Martins, Cuckoos and CNmmon Sandpipers have reached the north of Scojland but are more common furjher south. Sand Martins have spread through the British Isles but numbers are very low. What has happened to them? Pied Flycatchers are now in their upland woods and others have been seen in passage in lowland areas.  More news follows
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:20/00   6/7       YOC migration - latest news Nightingales are singing in parts of southern and eastern England but nNi in Berkeley Square! Lesser Whitethroats have suddenly arrived but you need to know their sNng to find them. Spotted Flycatchers now arriving and Grasshopper Warblers becoming more widespread.  More news follows
P268 CEEFAX 268 Tue 8 May 21:14/40   7/7 N U     YOC migration - latest news Bee Eater, Crane, Golden Oriole, Kentish Plover, Purple Heron, SpNonbill and Wryneck are among the more unusual species reported by observers. DON'T FORGET... An illustrated summary of the results for the 1984 phone-in will be available from August 1, price 80p (inc postage and package) from YOC, The Lodge, Sandy Beds SG19 2DL.  Details of the YOC phone-in