Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P271 CEEFAX 271 Tue 8 May 21:24/26          TUESDAY      Regions: 177/277 6.40 YOU CAN'T SEE THE WOOD...2 with David Bellamy 7.05 BLANKETY BLANK CEEFAX subtitlec 170 7.40 A QUESTION OF SPORT 8.10 DALLAS CEEFAX subtitles 170 9.00 NINE O'CLOCK NEWS 9.25 THE GOLDEN LAND A trilogy of films about the Jews of the United States 10.15 COME DANCING North East v Wales 11.00 NIGHT MUSIC Vocalist Tina Cross from New Zealand 11.45-11.50 NEWS HEADLINES and WEATHER  BBC2 programmes 172/272