P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:21/45 1/16 4 55555 RADIO FOR SCHOOLS CW R4 VHF Tuesday May 8 10.45am THE SONG TREE Little Moose 11.00 TIME AND TUNE Pirates and smugglers 11.20 TIME TO MOVE Seaside 11.40 RADIO THIN KING STORIES A brush with a pooch 11.55 READING MUSIC 1.55pm LISTENING CORNER Presented by Nanette Newman 2.00 HISTORY: NOT SO LONG AGO The 50s and 60s (Radiovision) More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:22/12 2/16 4 55555 RADIO FOR SCHOOLS R4 VHF Tuesday May 8 2.20pm MATHS - WITH A STORY! Straight line shapes (RV)etry) 2.40 PICTURES IN YOUR MIND (Stories) The Brighton Merman NIGHT TIME BROADCASTS 12.30am INFORMATION PROGRAMME Tony Barnfield previews Night Time programmes for the summer 12.50 BIOLOGY FIELD STUDIES The life of woodland (RV) School TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:11/49 3/16 4 55555 TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS BBC2 Tuesday May 8 9.09am ENCOUNTER: ITALY Town and country 9.48 MATHS AT WORK Young people use CSE maths 10.10 SEX EDUCATION Growing 10.35 UPDATE USA Great Lakes Citu 11.00 WATCH Trees 1: Leaves More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:23/01 4/16 4 55555 TELEVISION OR "CHOOLS BBC2 Tuesday May 8 11.17am COMPUTER CLUB The computer and the gymnast 11.40 MINDSTRETCHERS: Problems Houses 11.48 UNTER UNS Deutsche Dialoge 2.00pm YOU AND ME (for 4-5s) Open/cHosed 2.15 BRITISH SOCIAL HISTORY Nine days in May Insight programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:12/27 5/16 4 55555 CONTINUING EDUCATION Insight SERIES R4 VHF Tuesday May 8 11.00pm GROUNDSWELL Weekly environment programme The Centre for Alternative Technology and results of the World Wildlife Fund competion BBC1 6.40pm YOU CAN'T SEE THE WOODS... Inside story presented by David Bellamy OU Radio details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:24/25 6/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY RADIO SERIES R3 VHF Tuesday May 8 11.20pm THE ENLIGHTENMENT An enlightened historian R4 VHF 11.30pm OPEN FORUM (12) Students' magazine OU TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:37/11 7/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Tuesday May 8 6.05am MODERN ART AND MODERNISM Cubism 6.30 ART IN ITALY Michelangelo The Last Judgement 6.55 BIOLOGY: FORM AND FUNCTION Differential gene expression 7.20 SCIENCE FOUNDATION COURSE Space to think, time to learn: A pNrtrait of Summer SchNol 7.45 DISCOVERING PHYSICS Painting potentials More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:28/19 8/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Tuesday May 8 5.10pm LANGUAGE IN USE The black English case 12.05am INTRODUCTION TO CALCULUS Iteration and convergence 12.30 SYSTEMS ORGANISATION Men, machines and the secretary Wednesday's programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:04/41 9/16 4 55555 RADIO FOR SCHOOLS CW R4 VHF Wednesday May 9 10.45am RADIO HISTORY Revising for the exam 11.05 SINGING TOGETHER 11.25 MOVEMENT AND DRAMA 2 Barley Street Dump (1) 11.45 MOTHER TONGUE AND STORY Greek as spoken in Cyprus 1.55pm LISTENING CORNER Presented by Nanette Newman 2.00 INTRODUCING GEOGRAPHY New Forest study More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:18/42 10/16 4 55555 RADIO FOR SCHOOLS R4 VHF Wednesday May 9 2.35pm PICTURES IN YOUR MIND (Poetry) Water in the pipes 2.45 NATU"E Spring stories NIGHT TIME BROADCASTS BIOLOGY: FIELD STUDIES 12.30am What makes soil healthy? 12.50 How do we look after Nur land? School TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:18/45 11/16 4 L 55555 TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS BBC2 Wednesday May 9 9.10am HIGHER EDUCATION Choices 9.38 SCIENCE WORKSHOP SKeds and plantc 'A' 10.00 YOU AND ME (for 4-5s) Going to hospital 10.15 MATHS AT WORK Young people using CSE mathc 10.40 MINDST"ETCHERS: Problems Hokses More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:17/21 12/16 4 55555 TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS BBC2 Wednesday May 9 11.00am WORDS AND PICTURES The old brown hat 12.05pm TELE-MONTAGE Homage to George Brassens 2.01 WATCH Trees (1): Leaves 2.18 SUBTITLE SLOT (New series) Zig ZaF: Hungry Times 2.40 ZIG ZAG The Olympics: Ceremonies Insight programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:10/52 13/16 4 55555 CONTINUING EDUCATION Insight SERIES R4 VHF Wednesday May 9 11.00pm CARIBBEAN LINKS Trinidad and Tobago BBC1 9.00am BELLAMY ON BOTANY What is vegetation? BBC2 12.05pm TELE-MONTAGE Homage to George Brassens OU Radio details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:11/20 14/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY RADIO SERIES R3 VHF Wednesday May 9 6.35am OPEN FORUM (12) Students' magazine programme 11.20pm EDUCATION FOR ADULTS Getting political R4 VHF 11.50pm CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN EDUCATION Village schools under threat OU TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:2p/41 15/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Wednesday May 9 6.05am THE ENLIGHTENMENT The Chateau and the Coitage 6.30 MAN'S RELIGIOUS QUEST Sikhs in Britain 6.55 MODELLING BY MATHS Crashing with safety 7.20 ARTS FOUNDATION COURSE Music and images 7.45 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Hotels and catering More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 8 May 21:2y/57 16/16 4 55555 OPEN UNIVERSITY TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Wednesday May 9 12.30pm AN AGEING POPULATION Work and retirement 5.10pm MATHS ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Is the problem theirs? 12.05am PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Confidence 12.30 THIRD WORLD STUDIES The plough and the hoe: A village in the Punjab Programme support services - p 265 BBC2 Tuesday's programmes follow