Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P286 CEEFAX 286 Tue 8 May 21:14/53        1/2                 Press REVEAL for answers How do you stop moles digging in the garden? Hide the spade. When is it bad luck to have a black cat following you? When you're a mouse. What are the best steps to take when you meet an escaped lion? Very big ones. What is brown and turns cartwheels? A brown horse pulling a cart. Thanks to Julie Robertson More
P286 CEEFAX 286 Tue 8 May 21:22/25        2/2                 Woman: Did you save my boy from drowning? Man: Yes, madam, I did. Woman: Well, where's his cap? Lady in a pet shop: I want a parrot for my little girl. Assistant: I'm sorry madam we don't do swops! Why do golfers take an extra pair of trousers with them when they play golf? In case they get a hole in one. Thanks to Deborah Searle More