Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:

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P288 CEEFAX 288 Tue 8 May 21:14/20 1/3 LETTERS TO CEEFAX                    
P288 CEEFAX 288 Tue 8 May 21:21/25  2/3  ■p%■j55■jj5 u0 Letters to CEEFAX  We are very keen that you should send in your jokes and puzzles for us to put up on CEEFAX: BUT please remember that the jokes should not be TOO old and the quizzec and anagrams checked for spelling errors. DO put the answers to quizzes and wordsearch puzzles - some people forget! More
P288 CEEFAX 288 Tue 8 May 21:17/24  3/3  ■p%■j55■jj5 u0 Letters to CEEFAX  When you send in jokes and puzzles for CEEFAX: DO include your name and full address. DON'T forget the grid in the wordsearch must be able to fit on the screen and still be easy to read - many of those sent in are much too big! Our address is: BBC CEEFAX, Room 7059, Television Centre, Wood Lane, W12 7RJ. More