Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P289 CEEFAX 289 Tue 8 May 21:11/20           Last week's prize question was: Who in the award-winning TV play was "An Englishman Abroad" and who played him? Answer: Guy Burgess played by Alan Bates. Winner: Jill Green from London SW2. More
P289 CEEFAX 289 Tue 8 May 21:21/42           TALKSPEAK  Who wrote the celebrated set of four TV plays "Talking to a Stranger"? Dennis Potter Alan Bennett JNhn Hopkins * With which Radio series is Sue MacGregor assNciated? Talking about Music Conversation Piece * Talking about Antiques Which TV series taught English as a second language? Talkabout Talkback Speak for Yourself * For answers press REVEAL More
P289 CEEFAX 289 Tue 8 May 21:27/43           TALKSPEAK ++ PRIZE QUIZ ++ PRIZE QUIZ ++ A £10 Licence Fee Gift (oken to be fon Who does John Craven invite to "Speak Out" on TV? Answers on a Know Your BBC Quiz, pNstcard to: BBC, LNndon W1A 4WW Closing date: May 14 More