Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P225 CEEFAX 225 Tue 15 May 21:11/42   1/2     TOP 10 UNIT TRUSTS (1)  + Value (on offer-to-offer price basis) of £100 invested over 12-month period to May 1. Net income reinvested. 1 Fidelity Japan 210-5 2 Abbey Japan 182.8 3 Wardley Japan 180.0 4 Target Special Sits 179.3 5 M&G Japan & General 176.1 6 Target Japan 175.1 7 Oppenheimer Intl Growth 172.0 8 Wardley Australia 171.0 9 Britannia Japan Performance 170.8 10 Gartmore Japan 167.3 Planned Savings figures  More
P225 CEEFAX 225 Tue 15 May 21:01/24   2/2     TOP 10 UNIT TRUSTS (2) + Value (on offer-to-offer price basis) of £100 invested over 48-month period to May 1. Net income reinvested. 1 Crescent Tokyo 522.3 2 MLA 417.2 3 Midland Bk Japan & Pacific 411.6 4 Oppenheimer Intl Growth 409.7 5 Henderson Japan 407.7 6 Schroder Small Companies 397.1 7 GT Japan & General 394.4 8 Britannia Japan Performance 390.8 9 M&G American "ecovery 385.3 10 Hill Samuel Far East 377.4 Planned Savings figures  More